twenty one

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"dahlia! i haven't seen you in a bit" emma smiled, jumping up excitedly to hug me. "yeah, i missed you" i agreed, inhaling her familiar scent.

"come sit!" she smiled, letting me slide into the booth. "so where you been?" she asked. "uh at home depressed, yeah that's about it..." i shrugged.

"what, why?" "well, benny died, and i just lost my job so life hasn't really been great recently" i explained, almost feeling like i had to cry all over again.

"awe honey, i'm sorry" she sighed, giving me a side hug and pulling me in close. "how are you and duff?" she asked. "uh we kinda have a rough patch, but we're good now" i nodded.

"good as in how?" "good as in, he told me he loved me today and asked me to be his date tonight" i shrugged. "awe, that's so sweet! are you guys gonna start dating?" she asked, wiggling her brows.

"duff and my sister are not gonna date" michael spoke, giving me a glare. "oh cmon mikey, they're so cute together" emma squealed. "i don't care" michael groaned.

"don't listen to him, honey. duff and you are perfect together" she smirked, giving me a little side nudge. "thank you." "no problem hun, go to the bar with him and get a few drinks."

"duff? you want a drink?" i asked, gaining his attention. "yeah" he agreed. we walked towards the bar together, and i watched as slash and jenny entered the building.

slash's arm was around jenny's waist and he held her close. it's weird to think those two were getting married, probably soon. i kinda hoped i was invited.

"i'll buy the drinks...what do you want?" "uh i'll take vodka" i nodded. "straight up vodka?" he asked, raising a brow. "yeah i was thinking we could share a bottle" i shrugged.

"i like the sounds of that" he smirked. he ordered an entire bottle of vodka and we headed back to the table. by now, axl and a random girl were there too.

seems as though the only relationship that lasted of all the boys was slash and jenny. and oddly enough, i didn't expect that. i expected duff and robin to last the longest.

"miss dahlia" axl nodded his head when he saw me. "hey axl" i smiled back. "this is cherry" axl introduced the woman sitting beside him. now she was one hundred percent a stripper.

she was very pretty though, and she seemed pretty sweet, so maybe she wasn't so bad. i'll always miss michelle though. she was axl's best girlfriend of them all.

we still awaited izzy and steven's arrival, but as we waited, we drank up and did a few shots. duff sat beside me as his arm was wrapped around my shoulders.

"wait lia, since you lost your job where are you gonna work now?" duff asked. "not sure...for now though i'm gonna lose my house" i admitted. i had been trying to forget about the reality.

"what?" duff questioned, eyes wide. "yeah, i don't really have any money saved up" i shrugged. "shit" he cursed, sighing out and looking around the bar.

"would you wanna come on tour with us?" he asked, making me almost choke on my saliva. "what?" i laughed. "it's not a joke, i'm serious. you might as well come on tour" he shrugged.

"i don't know about that...i have a life here" i sighed. "barely" he corrected. "yeah, yeah, but i still have my friends and family here" i smiled. "don't you wanna be on tour with your boyfriend?" he asked.

"woah, woah...when did you become my boyfriend?" i laughed. "i thought that happened when i asked you to be my date tonight" he questioned, squinting his eyes, like he was unsure.

"usually, the person is supposed to actually ask if the other person wants to be their girlfriend or boyfriend or whatever" i explained, letting out a slight chuckle after. 

" you wanna be my girlfriend then?" he asked, making me smile once again. "yes, i'd love to be your girlfriend" i nodded. "cool...can i kiss you?" "sure."

duff's lips connected with mine for the second time today. i heard a few people whooping at us, leaving my cheeks to turn red. i knew emma was the main person cheering us on.

"the fuck's going on here?" a voice spoke, making me pull back and look up. izzy looked towards duff and i with raised brows. beside him was a brunette. must've been his girl.

"duff and dahlia are madly in love...don't mind them" emma giggled. i sent a nervous look towards michael and just got glared at instead.

i just rolled my eyes at michael. classic brother behaviour. meanwhile, if haden was here, he'd probably be happy. that meant he'd hopefully be safe from duff fucking carmen again.

but if that happened around me, shit would go down. to be fair, i don't even want carmen anywhere near me and duff right now. duff especially.

"this is my girl, bella" izzy introduced. she shyly waved towards all of us and the two slid into the booth. "where's that damn popcorn" axl spoke, noticing the energy was kinda dead.

"probably doing drugs somewhere" slash shrugged, lighting up a cigarette. axl glared at slash since he knew the guitarist was probably right.

it was obvious that steven was diving harder into the drugs compared to everyone else in the band. or maybe everyone's tolerance was better. who knows.

"anyways motherfuckers...tour starts next week" axl smirked. oh god. tour starts that soon? "dahlia's gonna be joining us" duff announced, making everyone look over.

"you're going on tour with them?" michael quickly asked. "yeah" i nodded. he gave me a weary look but sat back with his arms crossed. oh i already knew we were gonna have a conversation later.

"well, you're in for a wild ride" axl nodded with a sly smirk. the way he said it made me nervous. was i making the right decision by going on tour with them?

hell, this was my only choice since my house would no longer be mine very soon. and no way was i going to move back in with my mom. i wouldn't even move in with emma and mikey.

i just wanted to be independent for once, but look where that got me.

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