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dahlia's pov

"look there's the two lovebirds!" mom exclaimed, all attention on michael and emma as they sat at the table. i kept my attention on duff though. and my, was he looking hotter than ever.

"duff" i nodded, sitting beside him and sending him a smile. "hey lia" he returned. i felt my stomach twist in knots as soon as he said my nickname. i was surprised he still used it.

"uh how have you been?" i awkwardly asked. it was just us two talking. everyone else at the table was too occupied showering the future bride and groom with love.

"i've been doing have you been?" he asked. "as good as i can be" i nodded with a smile. he returned the smile and i felt an awkward silence between us.

"we're glad you made it dahlia" mom spoke, pulling me away from duff's gaze. "couldn't miss it" i joked, making the table light up in laughter. i couldn't get duff out of my mind though.

as we ate dinner, i got involved in the conversations as much as i could. i hadn't spent time with any of my family in a long time. i was too caught up with work mostly.

as the night went on, people starting straying away. i eventually decided to head home too. it was a big day tomorrow, and i wanted to be as rested as possible.

i hung on until everyone got up to leave. "i'll see you tomorrow darling" mom smiled, giving me a kiss on my forehead as she held my face in her hands.

"yeah, drive safe" i nodded to her. i sighed out and starting walking away from the table when duff startled me. "you mind if i walk you to your car?"

"of course not" i smiled, letting him tag along. we reached my car and i jangled with the keys in my hands for a moments. "uh listen i'm sorry for not reaching out and kinda ignoring you and-"

"dahlia, its alright" he chuckled. "oh uhm okay" i nervously nodded. "i guess i'll see you tomorrow" i spoke again. "yeah, i'll see you" he nodded.

he stood there for a few seconds before hesitantly turning around walking away. i watched as he got into his expensive sports car and drove off. 

"shake it off idiot" i spoke to myself as i shook my head and got behind the steering wheel. i quickly left the lot and headed back home.

when i got home, i changed into some pajamas and took benny for a quick night walk. "good boy" i smiled, telling him to sit before giving him a treat.

i let out a sigh and went to my room to get everything ready for tomorrow. my red dress for tomorrow sat in my closet, waiting to be worn.

i was excited to wear it though. but the wedding was a little different, they didn't want any bridesmaid or groomsmen up there, it would just be them two.

i guess its cause emma didn't want to choose between her sister, her best friend, or me, so they decided no one. michael though, would've picked duff, since they got a lot closer.

once everything was straightened out, i washed my face to get ready for bed. i wasn't going to bed just yet, but i needed some benny cuddles.

"benny! come here!" i called out. within seconds, the dog jumped onto the bed and quickly laid down on me. "you're heavy" i huffed, not being able to breathe from his weight.

he rolled over so i was able to breathe again. "what, are you trying to kill me?" i joked, smooching his face over and over again as i dodged his kisses.

"cmon lets go to bed" i yawned, reaching to turn off the lamp on my nightstand. in the darkness, i adjusted my position so i was more comfortable. "goodnight baby" i smiled.

"morning dahlia" emma smiled, opening the door to her hotel room. "morning" i yawned. "how was the trip?" she questioned, inviting me to sit on the bed.

"it was good" i smiled with a nod. the wedding was in san diego, so pretty much everyone drove out here this morning. except for emma's grandparents who lived here.

"that's great! uh would you be able to do my makeup? i'm so shaky" she giggled. "yeah, of course" i smiled, getting up to grab her makeup container.

as i stood up, another knock sounded from the door so i went over to open it. "hey mary" i smiled, inviting emma's sister into the room. "hey dahlia" she returned.

"mary!" emma squealed, getting up to tightly hug her sister. "what are you guys doing?" she questioned. "makeup" i answered. "oh, i'll do your hair if you want" she offered.

emma took both of our offers and i worked on her makeup while mary did her hair. within a while, she was looking super beautiful. "damn you look good" i chuckled.

once emma was done, i focused on my makeup and hair. i sat on the bathroom counter closely looking at my eyeliner to make sure i didn't fuck it up.

"would you like one?" mary asked, holding out a cigarette. "no thanks, i quit" i smiled. mary nodded and turned out of the room with ease. 

my makeup was finished, and i quickly curled my hair to finish. "we should probably get changed, we gotta be there soon" emma spoke, looking at the clock.

"yeah, lets go" i nodded, putting on my dress. we helped emma with her dress and tightly tied it up in the back. it was a corset top, so she looked snatched.

"ah i'm so excited" emma sighed as we got into the car. "i bet, its a huge day" mary nodded, sitting behind the wheel. she put the car into drive and drove off towards the venue.

it was an outdoor venue, so we had to hide emma from everyone else, but most importantly michael. "is dad here yet?" emma asked, looking around.

"i'll go find him" i offered. "sure" emma smiled. i nodded and got out of the car to go wander and find her dad, dale. 

"hey mikey" i spoke, running into him. "you look nervous" i laughed. "i am" he nodded. "uh have you seen dale?" i asked, peering behind him. "yeah i was just talking to him, he's over there" he pointed.

"perfect, thank you."

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