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the cab stopped in front of a small, but cute house. duff was quick to pay the driver before getting out and grabbing my bags before i had the chance.

"thanks" i smiled, forcefully taking my bags since i didn't want him to have to carry them. "got everything?" he confirmed, to which i nodded.

without another word, duff turned on his heels and headed up to the front door. i had to basically chase him in order to make it there before he rang the doorbell.

within moments, a woman answered the door. she had a confused face until she saw the tall blonde in front of her. her jaw immediately dropped as her eyes widened.

"duff?" she gasped, bringing him in for a sweet hug. "what are you doing here?" she questioned, splitting apart from the hug after what felt like forever.

"just thought i'd come for a visit" he shrugged, a smile plastered on his face. "and who's this lovely lady?" the woman questioned, noticing my existence.

"this is dahlia" he introduced. "it's great to finally meet you" i cheesily smiled, holding out my hand. "you too hun...i'm marie...i've heard a lot about you" she nodded, instead bringing me in for a hug.

she smelt amazing, like warm vanilla. for some reason, the scent reminded me of christmas, instantly making me much happier. christmas was always the best.

"oh duff's talked about me?" i asked with furrowed brows. "oh yeah, that boy never shuts up about you...come on in though" marie invited, holding the door open.

once i entered the house, i took a few moments to look around. photos were spread along the walls of duff and all his siblings i had yet to meet.

"so how long are you staying?" marie questioned, wandering off to the living room as duff and i followed. "a few days, i figured" duff shrugged, sitting on the couch.

i sat right beside him and looked around once again. i felt slightly awkward being here, but duff was beside me and helped me remain calm.

"did you two want anything to eat? i could make a quick lunch!" marie smiled. "we ate not too long ago, so we're alright" duff nodded his head.

"sounds good...why don't you give dahlia a tour?" marie spoke. "yeah sure" duff agreed, standing up. i stood up too and sent marie a smile as we walked away.

he led me up the carpeted stairs first. "i'll show you my old room" he spoke, turning to the left and walking two doors down. he pushed the door open and i peered in.

it was so duff. punk posters covered the walls as it seemed like his room was pretty much untouched. "this rooms fits you so well" i smiled, walking around.

"yeah...i'm surprised everything is still here" he hummed in agreement. "your mom must've missed you" i shrugged, taking a seat on the bed.

"yeah, i was the last kid to move out" he explained. "makes sense then" i smiled. i let out a sigh as i let my body effortlessly fall back on to the bed.

"mm, this bed is so comfortable" i smiled. "yeah? you can stay in here if you want" he shrugged. "oh no, it's your room, you can have it" i argued.

"lia, there's a million rooms in this house, take it" he laughed. "nope..." i spoke, crossing my arms. "fine" he laughed, finally giving in.

he finished giving me a tour before we returned back downstairs. duff disappeared, so i was left alone with marie. she was excited to talk with me though.

"one second! i wanna show you something" marie spoke, before quickly getting up. she went over to one of the side table stands and pulled out a binder.

"i want you to look through this" she smiled, handing the photo album to me. "thanks" i smiled, taking it into my hands. 

i began looking through the pictures and getting a feel for duff's family. i felt weird looking at baby and toddler pictures of people i didn't know.

"this is everyone from the family, but i have just an album of duff if you'd like to see that?" marie questioned. "yeah, i'd love to see it" i sweetly smiled with a slight nod.

she brought it over to me, and i opened the first page. it started out from when he was first born, until eventually him just a few years ago. he was such a cute child.

"i wish there was this many photos of me when i was younger, my mom and dad never really took photos of me" i explained, slightly sad.

"awe, at least they were there to live out the memories" marie shrugged, scooting closer to me. "yeah, my dad not so much though" i spoke, taking a deep breath.

"what happened to him?" marie asked. "passed away when i was little" i smiled. "awe i'm sorry" marie sympathized. "don't worry about it, i'm okay now" i confirmed.

marie's hand made her way to my back, as she soothingly rubbed circles, comforting me. i loved this moment, since i never really had this connection with my mom.

but with my dad? we had the strongest bond ever. i was always referred to as daddy's little girl. he was my hero, and he was the one who got me into music in the first place.

"are you showing her pictures of me?" duff spoke, entering the room with a paper bag. "look at we're so cute" i hummed, holding up a photo.

duff jokingly scowled, as he set the bag down on the kitchen counter. "i'll get dinner started" marie smiled, giving me one more pat on the back before getting up.

duff took her spot after turning on the tv. he laid back and rested his feet on the coffee table, as he became involved with the television in front of him.

i got up without a word and wandered into the kitchen. "marie? do you mind if i use the phone" i quietly asked. "of course not dear! go ahead" she exclaimed.

i thanked her with a nod of my head, and picked up the phone, i began entering emma and michael's phone number and waited for an answer on the other end.

"hello?" emma questioned. "hey it's lia" i smiled. "lia? where are you? i didn't see you anywhere at the party, and i haven't heard from you in a few days" she ranted.

"yeah duff kinda kidnapped me..." i trailed off. "what?" i heard her scream. "calm down, it's nothing bad, we're just in seattle" i aimlessly shrugged.

"seattle? why?" she questioned. "duff's from here" i explained. " two are together and okay?" she confirmed, making me roll my eyes slightly.

"yes mom, we're fine."

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