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i spent the next fifteen minutes cleaning up my place. it was pretty messy from me working all day, and then being too lazy to clean up when i got home.

the doorbell rang, making my head snap up. i crept to the door and swung it open. the tall blonde stood there, vodka in hand of course.

"i brought some beer too" he spoke, holding up the pack. "thanks" i smiled, taking it from him. i let him enter the place before i shut the door behind him.

he took a look around the room, noticing frames i had on the wall of us and other guys from the band. i could see a slight smile forming on his face but i pretended not to notice.

"so uh, any ideas of what movie you wanna watch?" i coughed, gathering his attention again. "i'm fine with whatever" he shrugged. "mkay, i've got a bunch of blankets and stuff here" i spoke.

"who's this?" duff spoke, noticing benny. "this is my baby, benny" i smiled. duff crouched down a little and started playing with the fluffy creature in front of him.

once benny decided he had enough attention, we started working on the fort. we used the couches and coffee table as well as some other items to hold it up.

within twenty minutes, it was perfect. "this is so comfy" i moaned, falling into the fort. duff just laughed and joined me on the floor. "you wanna get high?" he questioned.

"nah, i don't do that anymore" i shook my head. "you don't?" he confirmed, raising a brow. "yeah i don't smoke cigarettes either anymore" i shrugged like it was no big deal.

"what made you quit?" "i wanted to make my health a priority..." i smiled. duff just rolled his eyes with a chuckle. "whats that for!" i giggled, slapping his arm.

"you still drink" he mentioned. "yeah but that's killing me in a different i don't drink that much. just when i'm with you" i explained. "so you were dry for a year?"

"well not exactly...but lets just say, i've drank more in a week than i have in a year" i shrugged. "you just keep surprising me, lia" he smirked, making me flustered.

i changed the conversation into something different, like a movie. so we decided on the exorcist, and got comfy. i didn't wanna get too close, so i kept some distance between us.

i'd quickly peek some looks at him. he was pretty invested in the movie though, so he didn't notice me looking. until...he finally caught me.

"can i help you?" he questioned, raising his brows. "hmmm no, but your hair's looking really dead though" i teased. "its not" he argued. "come here for a minute" i spoke, waving him over.

he moved closer to me and i ran my hands through his hair. "i see you decided to shower, huh?" i smirked, starting to give him a scalp massage.

"i do shower, unlike you" he joked. i rolled my eyes and pulled back my hands. "hey! that felt really good" he whined, a pout playing on his face.

"should of thought before saying that" i smiled with an innocent shrug. within seconds, both of us burst out in laughter. it felt like we were back in '85.

"i'm tired" he yawned, collapsing. his head rested on my thighs as he looked up at me. i intensely stared at him as a small smile appeared on my face.

"whats got ya smiling?" he teased. "you" i mumbled. the urge to kiss him was so goddamn strong. but we weren't like that. it only happened once.

"if you wanna kiss me then just do it" he laughed. "what?" i questioned, eyes widening. "yeah you kinda said it out loud" he spoke. "fuck, i thought i was thinking it" i embarrassingly laughed.

"offer still stands" he shrugged. "i thought you said we were friends" i spoke, eyebrows raising as i sat back and crossed my arms.

"i mean yeah, but its pretty obvious you're in love with the one and only duff" he sassed. "okay yeah, you ruined the moment" i giggled, pushing him off my lap.

did i want to kiss him? yes. especially since he technically gave me permission. but i don't know, maybe seeing how long i could last without giving in might be a fun game to play.

and me? i give in too easily.

"lets just the watch the movie weirdo" i chuckled, getting comfy again. "okay but only if we can cuddle" he spoke, practically using his puppy dog eyes.

"ugh fine" i joked, laying my head on his chest and wrapping my arms around him. i instantly melted into his body. i wasn't tired before, but now i sure was.

"i might fall asleep" i mumbled, eyes closed. "you can go to bed" he laughed. "where are you going then?" i asked, raising my head to look at him.

"home probably" he shrugged. "you can stay here yknow" i smiled. "you've only got one room, and i'm not really a couch guy" he shrugged. "my bed fits more than one person" i laughed.

i watched him for a few minutes as he laid there. it was pretty obvious he was debating it. "cmon, you're drunk and i don't want you to die" i persuaded. he just smirked at me.

"go away" i chuckled, pushing myself off of him. "where are you going?" he asked, watching me turn the tv off. " coming?" i asked, not waiting for a response.

i was long gone to my bedroom, and already tucked under the covers when duff finally trudged in. "took you long enough" i mumbled. he was about to climb into the bed when i stopped him.

"light" i innocently smiled. he only rolled his eyes before turning off the light and finally joining me in bed. i felt bad, since benny was banished to the floor for tonight.

i could kinda see duff from the moonlight shining in my window. "duff?" i questioned, slightly nervous. "yeah?" "whats the real reason you and robin are getting divorced?"

"i cheated on her" he admitted. i felt immense shock come across me. i never took duff as that kinda person ever. "well, she cheated on me too...just wasn't a match" he chuckled.

"oh" i spoke, not sure what to think. for some reason, his confession had changed my views on him. not completely of course, but now i felt myself trusting him less with my heart.

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