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"yknow, i appreciate you a lot" i spoke. "you've told me before" he joked. "i know, but i like to remind you" i shrugged. "you deserve it" i added.

"deserve what?" "everything good that's happened to you...you're achieving your dreams, and its so crazy to see that happening" i smiled from ear to ear.

"and what dreams have you achieved?" he asked. "calling you my best friend." if there was a backing track in my life, the audience would be shouting "awe" right now.

i lifted my head off his shoulder and looked up at him. he was already looking at me, and for how long? i don't know. but i didn't care, i wanted him to look at me.

the longer i stared into his eyes, the faster my heart beat. even though it was dark out, it felt like there was a spotlight shining on his face.

i wanted to admire him. in most situations, you cant just look at somebody forever without the other person getting weirded out, but to duff and i, this was normal

"you have really pretty eyes yknow" i smiled. "i do?" he asked. "mhm" i hummed in response, the smile never leaving my face. "can i try something?" he asked.

"try what?" i asked, my eyebrows furrowing. my question was soon answered when he gently placed his lips upon mine. now this, this is what i had been waiting for.

and i wasn't the one who initiated it, so technically i never gave in. well, i guess i kinda gave in when i kissed back. it was impossible not to kiss back though.

after what felt like years, he pulled back. both of our eyes opened and i couldn't wipe that stupid grin off of my face. "i liked that" i giggled, hiding the slight blush on my cheeks.

"i know you did" he laughed. "so why the change?" i asked. "cause fuck it, life is short" he shrugged. "yeah much shorter with your alcohol intake" i joked.

he only rolled his eyes in response. he threw his arm over my shoulders and pulled me closer towards him. i sighed out and got comfortable in his grip.

"i could stay like this with you forever" he spoke, looking off into the distance. "yeah?" i smirked, lifting my head again. "head down" he directly, gently pushing my head back down. "yes sir."

as silence settled upon us again, i felt my eyes getting heavier and heavier. i didn't want to move though, so i stayed there until i eventually fell asleep

when i woke up the next morning, i was in my bed by myself. there was no trace of duff anywhere except i heard some noises in the kitchen. could've been benny but i knew it wasn't.

if duff wasn't here, benny would have been curled up next to me. but he was nowhere in sight. just shows he loves duff more than me.

i slowly stood up and went to the bathroom before venturing into the kitchen. "mm it smells good" i hummed, entering the room. "thanks, i'm making breakfast" he smiled.

i peeked over his shoulder so i could see the stuff he was making. "how'd you know i love pancakes" i smiled up at him. "just took a guess" he shrugged.

"wait you got a lil something" i giggled. i reached up to his face and dusted some flour off his cheeks. "there you go" i nodded, dusting the flour off on my clothes.

"thanks lia" he smiled, quickly pecking my cheek before continuing to finish breakfast. "you need help with anything?" "i got it handled...go relax" he laughed. "alright."

i headed from the kitchen and into the living room. i practically floated over to the record player and browsed through my ever so growing collection.

after much thought, i put the needle down and smiled as the sounds of bowie rang. i couldn't help but waltz around the living room, showing off my best dance moves to benny.

he just wagged his tail and tried to get involved. within a few minutes, duff entered the room and raised a brow. "oh hey duffy!" i shouted over the music.

"hey lia" he laughed. "you should join me" i smiled before doing a twirl. "i made breakfast though" he spoke. "eh it can wait" i shrugged.

he didn't budge, so i had to grab his arm and drag him over. i grabbed both of his hands and started dancing again. he eventually eased up a little too.

by the time the song ended, i collapsed on the floor, out of breath. "i'm dying" i wheezed, pretending to die. i cracked my eyes open to see duff staring down at me with concern.

"you're supposed to give cpr" i whispered, still lying still. i could tell he rolled his eyes before pretending to do cpr. "boo" i spoke, jumping up and rolling over so i was kinda on top of him.

to me this was kinda normal friend behaviour, but because of our situation i felt kinda awkward. he didn't seem too bothered though, he just relaxed and put his arms behind his head as i straddled him.

"okay, i'm hungry now" i mentioned, getting up. i held a hand out for the giraffe, and soon enough he was on his feet too. "show me what you made, duffy" i hummed.

we sat down at the table and enjoyed our meal of pancakes, bacon, eggs, and cut up strawberries. cant forget about the whipped cream too.

"that shit was good" i nodded, pushing the plate away from me. "i'm glad" he smiled, taking the last bite of his food. "watcha up to today?" i asked.

"not sure yet, probably gonna go to slash's" he nodded. "right" i sighed. "i'd invite you but it looks like you don't want to" he laughed, noticing my change in expression.

"i mean i don't particularly want to, but i wanna spend time with you so" i started. i was sitting there, debating the pros and cons.

pro: i'd get to spend more time with duff.

con: i had to see both slash and jenny.

i mean, i feel like the pro outweighed the con. i only had a month with duff until he was long gone on tour for god knows how long. "yknow what, i'll come" i nodded.

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