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after getting everything figured out, i fi'nally left the clinic. i got into my car and sat there for a few minutes as my head rested on the steering wheel.

with a sigh, i sat up and started up the engine. instead of taking a right turn to get home, i went left. i needed someone right now, and i knew exactly who i needed.

it took me about ten minutes to get to duff's place. the lights were on in his house, leaving me relieved. that meant he was home...well hopefully.

i shakily made my way up to his front door and rang the doorbell. within moments, the blonde answered the door. "missed me alrea- are you okay?" he quickly questioned, noticing my tear stained cheeks.

"can i come in?" i sniffled. "of course" he quickly nodded, moving out of the way for me. as soon as he closed the door, i wrapped my arms around his lanky body.

he immediately hugged back as his hand gently rubbed my back. "what happened lia?" he asked again. i could feel the vibrations from his voice since his head rested on mine.

"benny's dead" i confessed, which brought me to tears all over again. "shit, i'm sorry" he sighed, holding me just a little tighter. i didn't want him to let go.

he pulled back though, and looked down at me with concern in his eyes. "how?" "the vet said he had some sort of heart issues that i never knew about...i guess he just finally decided to leave" i cried.

"i'm so sorry baby" he hummed, trying to clear the tears from my face. although i was a sobbing mess, the mention of the word 'baby' seemed to help lighten things up slightly.

"do you need anything? i could make us some food, and we can watch a movie?" duff rambled on, lightening up the mood. "i'd love that" i weakly smiled up at him.

"sure...i'll let you browse my closet for some clothes too" he laughed. "thank you, i really mean it" i nodded. "its no problem lia, i got you" he smiled.

duff went to the kitchen while i walked up the staircase and headed into his room. i starting looking through his closet and found a random shirt.

i took off the shirt i was wearing and slid his shirt onto my body. from there, i looked through the dresser to find a pair of shorts that wouldn't be too big on me.

after a few tries, i found a pair that was almost the right fit. once i was fully changed, i folded up my previously worn clothes and left them on the top of his dresser.

i trudged into the bathroom connected to his room and took a look at myself in the mirror. my entire face was puffy, and my makeup was running down my face.

i turned the tap onto warm water and washed my face before patting it dry with a hand towel. just from the water on my face, i instantly felt so much better.

i snapped out of my daze and headed back downstairs. duff heard me coming towards him and popped out of the kitchen. "wait! don't come in...just wait here, one second" he spoke, making me raise my brows.

"okay" i chuckled slightly. i took the time to browse through his records and then eventually his movies. "duff whats taking so long" i groaned, plopping down on the couch.

"okay, i'm ready now" duff spoke, emerging from the kitchen after a few moments. he ushered me to come over, so i obeyed, but he spun me around and used his hands to cover my eyes.

"duff" i groaned. "i'm gonna trip." "don't worry, i wont let you trip" he whispered, making the goosebumps on my skin rise. "okay, i'm trusting you" i nodded.

i held out my hands as i was blindly led into the kitchen. "okay sit here" he spoke, so i used my hands to find the chair. i sat down and duff asked if i was ready.

"yes" i impatiently nodded. "okay" he spoke as his hands lifted from my eyes. i looked at the sight in front of me, and the smile on my face widened.

duff had set up the kitchen table with some candles and a plate of pasta as well as a glass of red wine. "now i get why you kept this a secret" i giggled.

"you like it?" he asked, sitting across from me. "i love it" i shyly smiled. "good" he spoke, returning the smile. ugh duff, you look so good right now.

"it feels like we're on a date" i nervously chuckled, instantly regretting what i said. "well maybe we could call this a date" he aimlessly shrugged, before sipping on the wine.

i almost choked on my saliva. did i hear that right? duff said this could be a date, so technically right now i'm on a date with duff motherfucking mckagan? woah.

the smile appeared on my face again, until i took a bite of the pasta. "this is so good" i moaned, my eyes widening. "thanks, my mom gave me the recipe."

as dinner went on, we continued talking about things. i was so grateful though, cause all of this was distracting me from the whole benny situation.

"by the way, when you kidnapped me, who did you get to watch benny?" i asked, curiosity taking over. "izzy" he shrugged, his face now a mess from the pasta sauce.

i let out a sigh of relief. if i wanted anyone to watch benny, i would've definitely chosen izzy. he was always amazing with animals, and i knew he didn't cause anything that happened.

"oh, okay good" i nodded, picking at my food. i barely had an appetite, so unfortunately i didn't get to eat very much. i did though, down that entire glass of wine quite quickly.

"not hungry?" duff inquired, raising a brow. "not really, i'm sorry i just-" "you don't need to explain, it's alright" he smiled, reaching across the table to give my hand a light squeeze.

"right, thank you" i sighed. "no worries...also you look really good in my clothes" he smirked. "i completely forgot i was wearing these. i wish i could've dressed up a bit" i giggled.

"there's no need, you look beautiful."

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