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"ugh i need sleep" i yawned, following duff through the airport. "me too" he agreed, yawning in return. "you can sleep in the cab though" duff shrugged.

"as long as i can rest my head on your shoulder" i giggled, smiling up at him like i always did. "of course you can" he chuckled, slightly shaking his head.

i nodded in content and trudged outside and into one of the many cabs that was sitting outside. duff asked for the driver to bring us to a motel, and soon enough we were off.

i rested my head on duff's shoulder, and got as comfortable as i could. it was hard to fall asleep with all of the bumps, but eventually i was out.

"wake up lia, we're here" duff spoke, lightly shaking me. i jolted up pretty quickly, just to groan at the pain in my neck. 

i quickly got out of the cab, and stood around, until duff finished paying the driver. the man nodded his head and drove away quickly. 

"lets go" he spoke, grabbing my hand. i followed his lead as he led us to the office. "is there any rooms available?" duff questioned, gaining the attention of a middle aged woman.

"yeah, is one queen bed alright?" the woman questioned. "yeah that's perfect" duff nodded. "okay, here you go, dear...have a good night" the woman nodded, handing us the key.

excitement built up in me, as that meant i could finally actually go to sleep for the night. "hurry up" i groaned, as duff walked slowly to our room.

"chill out" he laughed, slowing his pace even more. "ugh" i groaned, pushing him to walk fast. "sorry" he laughed, finally speed walking.

we reached the room, and the second i got inside, i collapsed on the bed. "tired?" duff spoke, raising a brow. "i think i made that pretty clear earlier" i shrugged.

duff nodded in response and wandered off. i took that as my chance to take my pants off, since they were tight leather pants. "wish you coulda told me we were coming here so i could've brought clothes."

"you can wear my shirt" he offered, not even awaiting a response before taking off his shirt and throwing it at my head. i jokingly rolled my eyes in response.

i slipped his shirt on, and unclasped the bra i had been wearing. i slipped it out from under my shirt and threw it to the ground. 

from there, i got under the covers and got nice and comfortable. duff quickly joined me, which made me happy, since i could cuddle up to him and steal all his body heat.

from the window being cracked open slightly, i could hear raindrops starting. it turned it into heavier rain, with just a hint of thunder accompanying it.

i snuggled up into duff's lanky body and let out a sigh. "you okay?" duff asked, brushing a few strands of hair away from my face. "yeah, i'm just enjoying the moment" i nodded, looking up at him.

every so often as we made eye contact, my eyes drifted down to his lips and back up. i'm sure he could notice what i was doing, by the way he did the same.

a big yawn from me ruined the moment, making me internally roll my eyes. "goodnight, duff" i sweetly smiled up at him before resting my head back down.

"goodnight lia" he mumbled, as his head lightly rested on mine. his arms protectively wrapped around my body, as his right hand caressed my arm, sending shivers down my spine.

being alone with duff was exactly what i loved. that way, i'd be the only person he could look at, and the only person he could talk to.

as my head wandered into a bunch of different thoughts, duff placed a kiss on my forehead. luckily, since the room was now pitch black, he couldn't see the smile on my face or the blush on my cheeks.

"i love you, giraffe" i whispered. "i love you too, lia" he chuckled.

i eventually woke up from my sleep, when the sun started shining on my face. the sun was heating up my body, and the room, making it hard to sleep any longer.

when my eyes opened, i noticed duff wasn't anywhere around. not even the bathroom. i shrugged it off and sat up to stretch my arms high into the sky.

as my arms returned back down, the door opened, revealing the blonde. "good morning, dahlia" duff spoke, sending me a smile.

"morning" i yawned. "watcha got?" i added, noticing he was carrying a paper bag. "got coffee, and some breakfast" he shrugged, handing me the hot cup.

"thanks" i smiled, setting it on the nightstand. he nodded and reached into the paper bag to hand me a bagel with plain cream cheese.

"thank you so much, i'm starving" i moaned, taking a bite of the food. "no problem" he smiled, taking a bite of a breakfast sandwich he got for himself.

"you think we could get some different clothes before going to your house? i don't really wanna meet your mom like this" i spoke, pointing to  my clothes.

"yeah, we can do that" he agreed, sitting beside me. i finished up my food before quickly taking a shower, and putting on the outfit i had been wearing last night.

luckily there was a little mall not too far from the motel, so we took the quick walk there. i grabbed a few pairs of shirts, pants, underwear, and stuff like that.

i then bought a few other things, like a brush and deodorant, which were the most important. i bought a bag too, so i could keep all of my stuff in there.

"you good now?" duff asked, looking down at me with an eyebrow raised. "yeah i think so" i agreed, holding a half eaten ice cream cone in my hand.

"alright, let's go" duff spoke, beckoning me to follow him as we exited the mall and waited a few minutes for a cab to pull up.

i hopped into the backseat and watched all the buildings pass by. the nerves started eating up at me as we got closer and closer to his moms house.

sure, i was just meeting my best friends mom, but still, what if she hated me or something?

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