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the breakfast club played as my body was intertwined with duff's. the fireplace in the corner of the room was on, leaving me toasty and warm even though it was summer.

although i loved the movie that was on, i could barely pay attention. my mind kept drifting off to everything that had happened recently.

like benny passing obviously, or when duff and i had sex back in seattle. we hadn't really spoken about that moment. it always played in the back of my mind though.

the blonde's heartbeat brought me back to the world. my head was resting on his chest, so i could hear his heartbeat. i just took this moment to snuggle even closer.

"comfortable?" duff asked, making me lift my head up to look at him. "mhm" i nodded with a smile. his green eyes were enticing me right now, and he had a look. i couldn't explain what it was though.

his eyes were almost like a forest in the summer, when all the leaves are at their healthiest. so much liveliness ran through his eyes, making me not dare to look away.

"what are you thinking about?" duff asked, directing my attention away from his eyes and down to his lips for a split second. "nothing" i shrugged.

"you sure?" he confirmed, making me sigh. "just thinking about you, as always" i whispered. "why do you like me so much?" he questioned, raising a brow in curiosity.

"you've always been there for me, i guess. i don't get attached to people often, but there's just something about you that makes me enticed yknow" i shrugged, as if it were no big deal.

"and what is it about me?" he whispered, beginning to run his fingers along my bare skin. "you make me feel a way no one else does...if that makes sense."

"makes perfect sense" he agreed. "okay good" i giggled. a silence took over us, but that didn't stop the goosebumps from rising on my skin. oh no dahlia, you're getting horny.

"duff?" i asked. "whats up?" "could you ever see yourself being with me?" i quickly asked. usually i'd be afraid to ask that question, but right now, i had all the confidence in the world.

"i can, but being honest, i'm no good for you" he explained. my heart broke slightly but i didn't let it show. i didn't want him to feel the disappointment.

"that's not true...what makes you say that?" i questioned. "i'm a druggie, a liar, a cheater...you know you can do so much better" he chuckled slightly.

"i've never looked at you that way before though" i shrugged, trying to reason with him. "well you should. you deserve someone who's everything i'm not."

"duff, i don't think you understand that i don't love anybody but you..." i sighed. "it's just wonderhall" he chuckled slightly. "the fuck does wonderhall mean?"

"its a word for when you're infatuated with someone...it's all this is. you'll get over me eventually" he explained, making me internally drop my jaw.

"i knew it" i scoffed, standing up. "where are you going?" he was quick to ask. "home" i quickly answered, holding in the tears that were threatening to spill.

i ran out his front door and slammed the door behind me. as i got into my car, i could hear his voice calling out my name. i paid no attention though, and sped away quickly. 

i should've just left him alone. i pushed too hard to get the response that i wanted, that i ended up quite disappointed in the end. he should've just told me he didn't like me like that.

once i realized that i wouldn't have benny to comfort me, i had to pull over on a street i was driving down, so i could put my head on the steering wheel and cry.

"life fucking sucks" i sniffled, finally putting my head back up. when i looked at my surroundings, i hadn't even realized that i was right in front of slash's house.

"fuck, i gotta get outta here" i quickly spoke, wiping my eyes before driving away. i didn't exactly want to be alone right now, but i didn't wanna bother anyone.

"fuck it" i sighed, heading to the nearest pub. i walked through the doors and sat on one of the stools at the bar. it didn't take very long for a bartender to come over.

"can i get a jack and coke and two shots of vodka....oh! and two shots of tequila, they're for a friend" i spoke. "sure" the man nodded, slightly weary of me.

i'm sure it was quite obvious i had been crying, so the bartender probably assumed everything was for me. cause i didn't have no friend coming.

"is this seat taken?" a voice spoke, making me look up. slash. "yes" i mumbled, reverting my attention back in front of me. i heard him hum in content before sitting beside me.

i paid no attention to him, and instead downed every single shot i had gotten before beginning on my jack. "heh, duffy broke your heart huh?" he asked.

"the fuck do you mean?" i questioned, turning towards him. "i don't know dahlia, seemed as though you moved on from me and now you're with duff" he shrugged, lighting a cigarette.

"we're not together" i sharply answered. "right...why you wearing his clothes then?" "listen slash, i've had a super shitty day today, so please don't make it worse" i explained.

"what's going on?" "none of your business...give me one" i spoke, nodding my head towards his cigarettes. "not until you tell me" he smirked.

"my dog died and duff doesn't like me as much as i thought...is that good enough?" i scoffed, rolling my eyes. his eyes immediately softened when he saw how torn i was.

"what happened to your dog?" he asked, handing me the cigarette. i know i quit, but i could use it right now...and i could use some more shots.

"some heart issues...died during surgery earlier" i shrugged, looking down. "i'm sorry...what about duff?" "it's not important, and i'm probably just overreacting."

he decided to let the topic go and ordered another round of drinks, although this was his first, and definitely not mine. probably wouldn't be the last either.

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