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"hey i think i'm gonna go grab a water...you want one too?" i offered, sitting up. "yeah, thanks" emma smiled, looking towards me with a nod.

"okay, ill be right back" i promised, getting up from my towel and heading off to a stand somewhere that sold water. i found one and paid for two bottles of water before heading back to my spot. 

"here" i spoke, handing the water to emma. "thanks hun" she smiled, sitting up to take a big gulp from the water bottle. "no problem" i nodded.

we were currently at the beach, laying under the sun, trying to tan a bit. so far this summer, i hadn't been in the sun a lot, so i was still quite pale. 

"oh i forgot to mention, but i saw you and duff quite close at my wedding...what's going on" emma smirked, wiggling her eyebrows. "nothing" i giggled.

"you sure?" she confirmed. "well, i found out duff and robin were getting a divorce, and i might've accidentally told him i loved him..." i trailed off.

"hold up, you told him you loved him?" she asked, eyes wide. "well yeah, but it was the alcohol speaking" i shrugged, trying to make excuses to save myself.

"honey, drunk words are sober thoughts" emma laughed. "whatever...duff isn't over robin yet anyways, so there's not much i can do" i sighed, resting my chin on my knees.

"dahlia, you can seduce anyone you want" she chuckled, shaking her head. "i don't wanna have to seduce him. i want him to want me" i explained, a frown appearing.

"i get that, but there's no need to worry. he's always been yours" she shrugged. "what do you mean by that?" "even when you were 'with' slash, your eyes never left duff" she smiled.

"really?" i gasped. "yes really" she nodded. no way...everyone around me knew i was in love with duff before i even did. i wonder who else could tell.

"enough about me, please tell me about your life" i begged, trying to change topics. "there's not much going on" she truthfully spoke, with a shrug.

"guess married life is boring, huh" i joked. "it feels no different to be honest. i just hope everything goes good. we're young, yknow" she confessed.

"michael's a good guy, there's no saying different. you guys better last forever" i smiled, untucking my legs to roll on to my stomach.

"guess we'll see" she shrugged, joining me on her stomach too. "hey doll, when did you get that?" emma spoke, noticing the tattoo on my back.

"oh i got it a few months ago" i shrugged. "let me guess, it's a dahlia because your name is dahlia" she giggled. "you're correct" i nodded, closing my eyes.

"don't fall asleep or you're gonna burn" emma warned. "i'm not gonna fall asleep" i snorted, cracking my eye open to look at her. her eyes drifted away from mine to look behind me.

"looks like we've got some guests" emma spoke, making me groan before looking where she was looking. duff and steven were walking through the sand, right towards us.

"and how did they find us" i sighed, resting my head down again. "hey dahlia!" an excited voice spoke. it had to of been steven. i had never known anyone more energetic than him.

"hey stevie" i spoke, lifting my head again. "hey duffles" i nodded towards the tall blonde. "duffles?" he repeated, raising his left brow, which i had to say was pretty sexy.

"mhm" i nodded. "what are you guys doing here?" emma asked. "came for a swim! but then we saw you guys" steven explained with a wide grin.

"sounds fun" i yawned. okay, maybe i was just about ready to fall asleep. the heat was making me sleepier as the minutes went by. i could sleep right here.

"you sound tired" duff spoke, sitting beside me. "i am" i agreed, looking up at him as a smile took over my face. he returned the smile too, making me giddy inside.

"how are you?" he asked, beginning to pile sand on my back. "duff! stop" i whined, swatting his hands away. "sorry sorry" he laughed, before dusting my back off.

"what are you two up to tonight?" steven asked, sitting in the circle that had now formed. "nothing that i know of, why?" emma asked, raising a brow in interest.

"well axl's having a huge party for the start of our tour, so we wanted to know if you guys wanted to come" steven shrugged, a smile on his face.

"i don't know...parties aren't really my thing" i shrugged, rolling over to sit up. "you should come, i want you there" duff whispered in my ear, sending shivers down my spine.

"cmon lia, if i'm going, you're going" emma smirked. "you're going?" i confirmed, to which she nodded. "fine, i guess i can go" i grumbled.

emma squealed in excitement and wrapped her arms around me. i just sat there and let her squeeze me to death, until she eventually let go.

we hung out for a bit longer until we decided to part ways with the boys and head home, so i dropped emma off at her place before going back to mine.

emma said she'd ride with michael, so i didn't need to pick her up. kinda fine by me, since i knew michael wouldn't drink and drive. well, hopefully. 

the party was a few hours away, so i took a shower and did my hair and makeup before selecting an outfit. honestly, my outfit was very much "groupie" style.

i kinda cringed once i saw myself in it. but the boys knew i wasn't a groupie, and plus it would be nice to actually dress up revealing for a change. instead of boring like usual.

"hey benny, i wish i could bring you with me" i frowned, squatting down to pet him. he just stood there, patiently wagging his tail while he had no idea what i was saying.

"well i'll see you later baby" i smiled, giving him a slight smooch, which left a little bit of red lipstick. "oh oops" i laughed, quickly wiping it off. "you're good now."

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