chapter four

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We were booked into a chalet, and it was as luxurious as I expected it to be. The staff helped us with rolling in our suitcases, and then we were left to tour the little space we would call our own for the time being.

We didn't face the same sleeping arrangement issue. The sectional in the living room was huge enough to accommodate a full sized person, and Thuso offered to take it. I didn't even argue with him on it, he must suffer for all the heartache he caused me growing up, and this was a way I didn't feel guilty about.

While I went sightseeing, he stayed inside to finish off his work. I didn't know what part of the word vacation he didn't understand, because he had been staring at his laptop the whole way here, and was still staring at it even now.

The place was gorgeous. Blue waters for miles, nature in all its beauty. The chalets were on top of water, and me, a water lover, rejoiced in all of it. I was ready to try out the ocean slide we had at our chalet, but first, I needed to fill this baby up with some food because I was hungry.

I thought of going back to ask Thuso to come eat, but thought better of it. The less time spent in each other's presence, the better. Besides, he was a full grown man, if he was hungry, he could come eat. I settled down at one of the tables and called the waiter for the menu.

I ended up eating an assortment of things. If you have never noticed, I'm a big foodie. I ordered buttermilk chicken fried strips with a sweet chilli sauce. I ordered a small serving of cheesy fries. I ordered a basket of sticky barbecue ribs cut up into small pieces. And a big bowl of Alfredo with fettuccine noodles. For dessert, I got half a slice of red velvet cake, a single serving of peppermint tart and a fully loaded Oreo milkshake.

By the time I returned to the chalet, the sun was setting and my stomach was full. I had a bag of takeaway, and despite my earlier decision, I was not so heartless not to bring Thuso anything to eat. And this time, I didn't plate up things he hated, I decided to leave my childish tendencies behind just this one time.

I found him in the living room still, looking like he had not moved a bit, still in the same spot I left him in. The glasses he wore made him look even more attractive, and I convinced myself that finding him attractive wasn't a problem. It's acting on those feelings that would feel like betrayal to my young self. So, I didn't feel guilty anymore about my thoughts or my body's natural reaction to the sight of him.

"I brought you something to eat," I said as I placed the brown bag on the coffee table.

"Thanks, I was beginning to think you ran away when you didn't return. What did you get up to?" He asked, a small smile playing on his lips while pulling off his glasses and then placing them on his laptop. He then placed the laptop on the coffee table and grabbed the bag.

"I went sightseeing. The place has a lot of activities to do. After that, I went to eat, the menu here is amazing," I gushed about the last part. When I saw him smile, the mischievous glint I've known too well shining in his eyes, I thought he was teasing. Which is why my shoulders dropped, and so did my mood. I couldn't believe that he mastered condensation with just a look. "Anyway, I'm gonna go refresh," I said and left without giving him a chance to say anything. Before I turned around, I saw his face fall, and I ignored the guilty feeling in my chest.


I'm finally trying the ocean slide. Mr. Too busy to enjoy himself sat on the patio furniture outside, which overlooked the miles of water. He wore his swimming trunks, which I didn't get the point of since he had not been swimming. My eyes did appreciate the sculpted upper body that was on display, the defined six pack and hard ridges, hard to miss.

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