chapter twenty-six

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With the new year, came new beginnings, and For Thuso, that meant being named CEO of Moeti Inc.

After five months of serious behind the scenes hard work, grooming and dedication, the time has finally arrived and my man looked too good.

In a tailor made suit, that fitted his body like a glove, highlighting all the features of his body that I loved, he looked like a million dollars. The navy blue suit complimented his chocolate skin well, the lighter blue shirt under his suit jacket brightening him up a bit. I stood in front of him, in my own version of office attire that matched his, to fix his maroon red tie.

"Are you ready my love?" I asked him once everything was in order. Honestly, the new 'boss' haircut he got made me ache down there. It's safe to say, we were equivalent to animals in heat, it's only been a week but I've had sex more times than I could count with both my hands. But that's not today's topic. My man is the real MVP.

"Yeah, but I'm a bit nervous. There are two shareholders who are against the takeover. They aren't majority shareholders, so they don't matter much, but I'd hoped for a smooth transfer of power." I brushed off his shoulder for some imaginary dust, my eyes meeting his in conviction.

"You know the famous saying that goes, 'you're not money, not everyone will like you'? I need you to put that in your mind for today. What matters is, you have 90% of the company backing you up, and from what I've seen, I know you're going to make a killer boss, and that should be your priority. As long as you do what's expected of you to the best of your ability, then they don't matter," I said sternly.

Thuso smirked, looking down at me with mischief in his eyes. I raised my eyebrow in question, yelping in surprise as he circled my waist and pulled me flush against him unexpectedly.

"You're so hot right now," he said. I blushed, cheeks flaming hot at the lust that was clear as day in his eyes. Does this man ever get tired though?

"And we better get going now, or we'll be late," I said in redirection, turning to walk away from him. When he smacked my ass, I clenched my thighs, willing my resolve not to crack.

The drive to the main hotel, the one in Sandton, was silent, with music from the radio playing. We walked inside the hotel hand in hand, and I could feel people's eyes on us.

We went straight to the boardroom, where most members and department heads were present, including my father in law. He wasn't seated at the head, instead, gesturing Thuso to take a seat on it and me to his right.

The meeting convened at exactly 10:00, led by my father in law who addressed everyone. My dad couldn't be present today, so I was standing in for the both of us, as the 40% given to my family, was divided between my dad and I equally.

"First order of business. The announcement of the new CEO," Moeti Senior started. "As discussed earlier last year upon the return of my son, I'll be officially retiring and handing the reigns over to him. Now, I've groomed him for the position, so he will not be going in blindly. I trust that he will lead you well, and without further ado, let's proceed with today's agenda, of course, led by Thuso, our CEO." The room erupted with a round of applause.

I watched in admiration as he took over naturally, like he was born to be the boss. He tackled off every item on the agenda, speaking with so much cadence, I couldn't help but listen in a daze.

An hour later, the meeting was over. I waited outside for him as he shook hands with everyone. We then went to the grand restaurant, which was where all VIP clients had their meals served, for the congratulatory reception. I hung on his arm as we walked around mingling, floating as I allowed him his moment.

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