chapter thirty-seven

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Dedicated to NosiZwane444
Thank you for giving this book a chance, for your support and for the motivation to keep me going, especially in the first few chapters. 🩷
This chapter is dedicated to you, for always wanting this to happen 🫶🏾.

Cryptic pregnancy.

That was what the doctor said.

A week ago, I was expecting to see my periods on a Friday . Most times, my period came right on the predicted date, but this time, three days had passed without me seeing the light spots.

Suspicious, I went to the pharmacy and got a few pregnancy tests to try at home. Of course, I didn't tell Thuso. What if I wasn't, and then got him all excited for nothing? So I did everything in secret, the going to the shop, the taking of tests in the bathroom with him fast asleep two mornings in a row, and even the appointment I had set with the OB/GYN was done so in secret, forgoing using our joint medical aid, instead using my private card to pay for the medical bill.

Finding two positive tests had elated me. I was nervous, but there was no doubt of my excitement about this whole thing and I couldn't wait to go see the doctor before telling Thuso so she could confirm everything.

I was in for the shock of my life when I found out I was 18 weeks pregnant, which was over four months. The doctor said it was rare, that the periods I saw were just spotting, and because I've always had a light period, I wasn't even aware of the difference.

I couldn't even argue with the doctor. The ultrasound confirmed her words, the fully formed baby with limbs, a head and a heartbeat so strong, it had me bawling my eyes out on that stretch bed, were all confirmation of my wildest dream and to think that all of this time, I didn't feel pregnant at all, was crazy.

"Do you want to know the gender?" The doctor asked. I was a bit conflicted, a part of me wanted to find out the same time Thuso did, another wanted to know already so I could go crazy and buy things appropriate for the gender my baby would be.

"Can you notarise for me, seal it in an envelope and I'll open it when I get home with my husband?" I asked her and she smiled, nodding her head before wiping me off.

I was a ball of mixed emotions as I left that doctor's office. How was it that all this happened and I was unaware? Thank goodness, despite the lack of proper prenatal care, the baby was healthy, growing steadily, which was what shocked even the doctor.

I couldn't believe that I was actually pregnant!


Thuso and I were going out of the country for business that same Friday of the week of my doctor's appointment, well, at least for him, as this was his chance to finally live up to his promise to take me there with him.

As mentioned before, the Moeti corp was building a hotel in Congo. This project started before my marriage to Thuso, but it felt like it was a place that really jump started our healthy relationship now.

I was yet to tell Thuso about my being pregnant, which was hard to do. It was like now that I knew what was happening with my body, I was finally experiencing symptoms, like heavy wrenching every morning which had Thuso side eyeing me for the past few days.

But I had planned something special for him, a cute announcement I had seen the idea of on TikTok. I got all the supplies I needed before our flight to Congo, ready to prepare for the announcement whenever the opportunity availed itself.

"Wanna go with me for final check off's before the grand opening tonight?" Thuso asked. He was freshly showered, looking way too yummy in just a towel wrapped around his firm torso.

"I'm a bit tired, I thought I'd be well rested by now, but I guess not," I replied, lying straight through my teeth. I wanted to use this opportunity to have everything ready for his return, besides, the grand opening was a whole affair, I planned to see the whole thing then.

"Alright then, let me get ready. I'll leave you to rest up," he said before turning and picking out his outfit. In true OCD style, upon our arrival, despite my earlier promises to never be domesticated, I had unpacked all our things, even ironing them before putting them on hangers or folding them. We were only here for two nights so it wasn't too many things to iron.

"I will," I said, getting on my phone and passing the time with TikTok. The productive side of me wanted to use that time to mark the answer sheets I had brought with me, but I had just told this man I wanted to rest, so marking seemed crazy.

Before he left, he kissed my forehead goodbye, telling me to get off my phone and actually rest like the responsible person he always is before leaving me alone in the room.

This man was about to receive the best news of his life on a very good day because not only was his first project completed, but the one thing we've prayed for over and over again was finally answered, and I couldn't wait to tell him.

I still couldn't believe I didn't tear that note since I found out. Today though, I'd finally learn what our baby was and then I could have all those shopping sprees I've been dreaming off. Though, in all honesty, I did do some online shopping for neutral pieces because I couldn't help myself.

I had gotten a white onesie and had it customised with the words 'Baby Moeti coming September 2023', which was what the doctor told me, laying it on the bed flatly. With it, I placed the positive pregnancy test where I had written 'hey dad' with a marker. I also placed a scan of the ultrasound on top of onesie, so he could see how far along we were. To finish off, I placed a cream Teddy alongside the onesie and the sealed note next to the scan.

I'm on the way back, do you need anything? Was his text to me shortly after I had taken a shower.

Yes please, I'm in the mood for fried chicken from KFC. I've also been craving some litchi juice, so if it's not out your way, please get that.

Oooh, and if it's not too much trouble, please get me a jar of pickles and a snickers bar. Was my double reply to him.

But you hate pickles! What you need a whole jar for?

Before I could even give him a piece of mind, my phone started ringing and it was him. Clicking the green answer icon, I pressed on the loudspeaker option and waited for him to speak.

"Love, you've been acting weird lately, is everything alright?" He asked, sounding genuinely worried. I felt touched, the anger at his questioning from earlier dissipating.

"Everything is alright baby. Just please get me what I asked, I'll explain everything when you get here," I said, unable to keep the excitement out of my voice, which was why I ended up hanging up in his face.


He was holding the jar of pickles as he entered our room, an 'explain this to me' look on his face. I smiled at his drama, moving aside so he could see what lay on the bed. His eyebrows furrowed, eyes squinting as he tried to get a better look at what was on the bed.

"Let me take that for you," I said, fearful he'd drop the things once he realised what was on the bed. He took tentative steps forward, a gasp escaping his mouth once he saw what was happening. His neck almost snapped as he turned to look at me, eyes filled with tears.

"What's this baby?" He asked, whispering. I was crying now, my tears falling freely down my cheeks as I held a hand to my mouth and nodded, words failing me. "Are you pregnant?" He asked and I nodded vigorously.

When he dropped down to his knees, a whimper left my mouth. He pulled me close to him, placing his ear on my stomach.

"Is this real?" He asked. Finally, my words came back.

"It is baby, you're going to be a dad!" I exclaimed. We stayed like that, both crying, my cries loud while his were silent, the only indicator from up here being his shaking shoulders.

When he launched into prayer, singing praises to God, my knees gave out and I joined him on the carpeted floor, letting him hug me and joining him as he prayed.

"Thank you Lord," he finished off before kissing me deeply and I felt all of his raw emotions, feelings of pain, joy, nervousness and pure excitement, all in one kiss.

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