chapter thirty-two

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A month and a few days ever since I took the throne, or rather, ever since I became a CEO, I noticed a lot of things that either my father turned a blind eye to, or, he just wasn't aware, seeing as he wasn't fully present towards his retirement time.

After taking over, I launched a new system in place. I needed to be in the know about everything operation wise, that way I could see what areas needed improvement and what areas were good left untouched. After what I experienced at the Congo construction, I'm no longer as trusting of the people working for us as I've always been before that one time. But that didn't mean I went around doubting people.

I always needed to get facts first before acting, and now that the month was up, and the reports were in, it was time for me to analyse them.

Well, I took a week to go through each report from each department. I had made it clear in the briefing that should I launch an investigation and find out the information they shared was falsified or filtered, people responsible were going to be dealt with through proper channels. What they didn't know was, I had hired a private agency to look into the departments discreetly and give me their reports so I could match it against the ones handed to me by the relevant departments.

The first department was housekeeping. According to their report, everything was up to par. But according to the private agency, a few things were amiss. I had asked for a customer survey from at least a 100 guests, and the private agency's summary of the survey was completely different from that of the housekeeping. The reviews were negative and it made me worry that we would loose business over such matters.

After flagging the department, I moved on to the next. This continued for about four hours with breaks in between, but by the end of the day, I had finished everything and had set up a meeting with my HR department so we could discuss lawful ways to deal with the employees who have gone against my orders. The last thing I wanted was to fire people and end up with lawsuits. Besides, firing people wasn't my way of dealing with things, people worked because they needed the money to support their families, and I didn't want to be the guy that took that away from them.


It was Valentine's Day.

I'll be honest and admit that before this year, I didn't get excited over the holiday. Not to say I didn't celebrate it, after all I've been in relationships before Wawa and treating my exes bad wasn't something I did, at least not intentionally.

The reason I didn't get excited over the day was because my exes made me believe that Valentine's Day was girlfriends day because I did all of the spoiling without receiving in return. And don't get me wrong, I love spoiling the woman that I'm with at the time, but when it's made out to seem like an obligation it takes the fun and good heartedness out of it.

But with Warona, things were different, from the onset. The day before, I had received an agenda via e-mail of today's events. She divided the day into three parts, detailing what would happen during each part. It was nothing like I had ever experienced and it made me appreciate Wawa even more. When I had told her that I'd never experienced being spoiled the way she spoils me before, I never expected her to exceed my expectations.

She allowed me to add onto the e-mail too, which I had sent back to her detailing everything we were going to do on my end and thankfully, they fit perfectly with what she had planned. This further cemented the fact that her and I were destined to be.

On top of that, Wawa had earlier suggested we compile a list of things we've always wanted and the other person was going to get one or a few of the items. Of course, I planned to get everything. With how much I have worked for the money I have, my woman deserved to be spoiled to the nines, getting everything she desired.

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