chapter six

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The schools are opening today, and I'm not ready. Although a honeymoon is basically vacation, I felt I deserved another week just to recover from my rest, if that even made sense.

Either way, I got up early Monday morning. My new room was three times bigger than my room back at my previous place. Thuso was nice enough to let me have the master bedroom, which was really sweet of him. Even though my guard was still up, he made it easy for me to be a bit relaxed, considering how kind he was most of the time.

I'm not in love with the room quite yet. I love how big it is, but I just hate the all white aesthetics going on. I'm more of a warm neutral colours kind of person, luckily the interior designer was coming in on Friday, so hopefully it could all be changed to my liking.

The bathroom was lovely though. The walls were a cool grey colour. The taps chrome silver, which I actually didn't hate. I especially loved the ceramic grey basin, sitting on top of a darker wash wood top with a square mirror above it for me to do all my skin care routine by.

I'm a shower girl, but the bathtub was too beautiful, with keys to massage your muscles and for the past three days, I've been taking baths instead of showers. Since I had more than enough time, I thought a bath could fit into my schedule. So I rinsed off first in the shower, removing all the grime from the night's sweat and products I had on my body before getting inside the steamy hot tub and allowed the bath salts to do their work in relaxing me.

After doing my extensive skin care, I headed back to the main room and looked through my closet. There was a his and hers closet, and only mine was filled up. Mmapula, that is our helper, unpacked all of my clothes from the boxes and suitcases, and hung them according to category, even going as far colour coordinating them. The shelves where she folded my other clothes looked so pleasing to the eyes because of how orderly they were. The way I was so impressed, I asked Thuso how much she was getting paid and if she could get a raise.

I picked out my ocean blue two piece that consisted of long dress pants and a vest blazer that had decorative buttons on it. For under the blazer, I picked a white high neck top with sleeves that reached my elbows. And for my shoes, I picked white woven leather slip on block heels.

Ready for the day, I picked up my black bag and car keys before heading out. Downstairs, I found Thuso in the kitchen, his firm and strong back towards me. His phone is pressed up against his ear,  and I have half a mind to eavesdrop to hear what the conversation is about.

Instead, I cleared my throat to alert him of my presence. The way he became jumpy was suspicious, and I watched him with narrowed eyes as he quickly said his goodbyes and placed his phone in his pocket.

"Good morning, how'd you sleep?" Even I could hear that the enthusiasm in his voice was fake, which sounded even funnier in his posh accent. I raised my eyebrow at him as I placed my bag on the island table top.

"Morning. I slept well, what's up with that?" I asked, pointing to his phone. Without waiting for his response, I headed for the large fridge to take out the lunch I had packed for myself last night, which is yesterday's food that Mmapula had prepared.

"Nothing, just a wrong number. Are you ready for your first day back at work?" He changed the subject. I took the hint, and decided to drop it, but that was hella sketchy I won't lie.

"Not really, if only we had another week off. But what can I say, a job is a job," I said with a shrug. In one of the drawers, I found a lunch bag. I placed my lunch box, including my mini containers that had fruits and some peanuts. After grabbing a juice bottle from the fridge, I closed up my bag and prepared to leave. "I'm off now, have a nice day," I said, grabbing my bag.

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