chapter twenty-eight

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Tuesday comes around way too quick. Getting up at six felt impossible, especially with Thuso's heavy arm over me. I enjoyed cuddling, but waking up from under all of that human steel is hard!

But alas, I made it out. Groggily, I made my way to the bathroom. As I ran the water, I relieved myself on the toilet. Words of the day: if you ain't taking a dump right after you wake up, you're gonna be stinking up the entire world with your attitude. So ladies, and fellas, take that dump every morning.

The water from the shower is what fully woke me up. I was feeling refreshed after my whole routine, and definitely more alive. After doing my skin care, I left the bathroom in my robe and headed out. Thuso was still passed out, now fully sprawled across the bed like he didn't have to be up in thirty minutes. But I guess running your own company came with the perks of having nobody checking on your time.

But for those of us who had bosses, we had to get ready in time. After picking out my outfit, olive green linen pants, thick strapped white tank top, a lightweight white cardigan over the top to cover my shoulders, and wide strapped white sandals, I got dressed and fixed my hair before heading downstairs.

Back to school was always set a mood for the year kind of vibe for me. I always tried to enter the new working year with positive vibes only and usually, that worked for me.

With my iced coffee in my to go cup, my lunch and work bag in my hand, I was ready to go. And thankfully, Thuso was making his way down, which meant I didn't have to go all the way up to give him a kiss goodbye.

"Good morning," I said cheerfully. Yes, we did have an emotionally packed night, but it did end on a good note and that woke up with me.

"Good morning beautiful," he said and pulled me flush against him. I flushed at both the comment and the proximity. This man was such a charmer.

I went in for a light kiss, but as usual, Thuso captured my lips in a bruising kiss that left me wanting more by the time we finally pulled apart.

"Whew chile! You're trying to get me late?" I asked and he laughed, spanking my ass as I turned and rushed out. A loud twang sound resounded, and I hissed at the delicious pain the contact left. "You really have no stop button huh?" Before he could respond, I slammed the door shut and headed to my car, which was already up and running.

Speaking of, I needed to get a new car. This Hyundai was not screaming rich wife at all, and honestly, I needed to put some respect on my husband's surname. With that in mind, I made a note to visit dealerships sometime this week.

At work, I arrived to a buzzing environment. The staff room was alive with happy to see each other people, and I gelled well with the mood. Seeing Thabile really set me off and I won't lie, we did squeal like high school girls when we were hugging each other in greeting.

"We haven't seen each other in forever!" I exclaimed. Honestly, my holidays were busy. I didn't really get the rest I thought I would. Between my father falling sick - he's much better now -, Thuso getting promoted - business is flying high under his reign - and starting my NGO - we're still in the beginning stages but wheels are set in motion - I haven't had the chance to rest or socialise.

"I know! But we've got all of the lunch hour to catch up," she said and I nodded. Just then, the principal walked in. He greeted us all with a warm welcome message before getting into the hang of things.

Everyone was handed schedules, including class lists for their class registers, those who had class registers. I was assigned the grade 12As. I didn't teach grade 11 the previous year, so this was going to be new territory for me.

Calming my nerves, yes, high school kids still gave me anxiety, though it was mild now, I turned the corner and faced my classroom. There was a group lined up outside the door and they all greeted me kindly when I said my own greeting to them.

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