chapter sixteen

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When I woke up with a strong but warm arm around me, my initial thought was to scream but then I remembered that yesterday after my heart to heart with Thuso, we decided that the next step in our growing relationship was sharing a bed.

To be honest, it had felt awkward at first, but then he started telling me a story, one from when he was away in England, and I got lost in his voice, forgetting that I was nervous to begin with.

I stirred in his arms, turning to see if he was still asleep, only to find him already looking at me, and when he smiled, I thought, this was how I wanted to wake up everyday.

"Hi beautiful," he said, staring into my eyes. When he looked at me that way, I truly felt beautiful.

"Morning, handsome," I replied, staring right back at him, hoping he'd see in my eyes my adoration for him.

"How'd you sleep?" He asked. I stirred again, placing my hand on his broad chest and feeling the hardness of his defined built.

"Like a pampered woman, how'd you sleep?" His smile widened.

"Better than I've ever slept before in my entire existence. This is my new home, I truly don't mind waking up to the sight of your face everyday." He pulled me closer and firmer against him. I smiled.

"As much as I would like staying in bed and talking to you, I have to get up. Some of us aren't bosses at our workplace," I said, trying to get out of his grip.

"You know I've not been announced yet right? So technically, we're on the same level," he said, finally loosening his hold on me. I got out of the bed and slipped into my slippers.

"About that, when are you getting announced again?"

"The end of this month. Dad says he's confident there won't be any opposing voters, especially with how I handled the Congolese project and the charity event." I hummed my understanding, grabbing the remote on the wall and pressing the button that opened the curtains.

"Well then, I guess I gotta start shopping, I want to show off on that night. Anyway, I'm going to take a shower, see you in a few." In the privacy of the bathroom, I took off my pjs. While sharing a bed was a huge step in the right direction, it didn't suddenly mean I was ready to let him see me naked. But then again, the guy has yet to kiss me, so we are definitely not there yet.

I found the bed already made when I returned, and the walk in closet's door wide open. I popped my head in and found him dressing up. He was putting on an undershirt, and his muscles flexed as he worked the garment over his shoulders.

"That was fast," I said, referring to how quickly he got ready.

"Yeah well, some of us don't romanticise getting ready. We just get things done and go," he said, grabbing me and pulling me against him. I felt exposed, even though I was wearing my bathrobe, I was still naked underneath. His hands settled just above my ass, and I tried not to think about how it would feel if they were on my ass.

"Woah, why you taking a dig at me now?" I asked, looking up into his eyes. They were just a regular colour, but he wore his emotions for all to see, and right now, they were screaming admiration.

"I'm not. Now go get ready before you're late. I'm taking you to work today." And then he kissed my forehead, turned me around, propelled me forward, and then, he smacked my bums. My jaw fell.

"That was actually painful!" I exclaimed, rubbing my ass. I'll admit though, I liked that more than I should've.

"And if you don't get out of here, I'll do it again." I didn't need to be told twice. I rushed out of there as fast as I could.

After I was dressed, I headed downstairs with my bags and found a steaming bowl of oat meal waiting for me. This was a man after my heart.

"Aw, thank you!" I poured some milk and sugar inside my oatmeal, and dug in. I smiled when he handed me my lunch bag with it already packed. Please, this was the best decision I ever made, I mean giving us a chance.

He opened the car door for me, he was driving the range, my favourite from him collection, and I got inside with a huge grin on my face.

"So Njabulo finally got back to me," he said once we were out of the gate. My mood immediately soured.

"What did she say?"

"She agreed to a DNA test. I'm going to see her today around 12:00," he explained. I swallowed the ball that lodged in my throat.

"That can only mean one thing, she's confident the child is yours," I said, dread in my tone. I'll admit a big part of me was hoping that she was playing a trick on him, cruel as it may be.

"Exactly my thoughts. I'm really sorry that my past is hindering progress in our presence," he said. I placed my hand over his.

"Thuso, I wasn't lying yesterday when I said I will stick by you. This doesn't change my decision to give us a real shot, or even how I feel about you," I assured him. He linked our fingers and brought them to his lips.

"I appreciate you baby," he said, and then his lips lingered on my hand before he brought them back down. We arrived at my workplace, and he insisted on opening the door for me.

"You're so dramatic," I said with a laugh as he helped me out.

"I'm just fulfilling my duty as your husband. Besides, no wife of mine is going to open the door while I'm still alive," he said. Like I said, dramatic.

"Alright then husband, thank you." He smiled, grabbed my bags from the back and then handed them to me.

"Nsune babe," he said in our language. The way I blushed, I'm sure I'd be red if I was light.

"Ha-eh Thuso," I said, smacking him on the shoulder's lightly.

"Ontima kiss vele?" He asked. The embarrassment I felt from how he was being made my chest flame.

"I'm walking away now," I said, by passing him and speed walking from him.

"Have a beautiful day baby," he shouted after me, lightly chuckling. Damn, I hate this man!

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