chapter thirty-eight

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"The doctor said it's a cryptic pregnancy, basically, being pregnant for a while without knowing you're pregnant or even showing signs, some women even go as far as only knowing once they are in labour," I explained to Thuso once we were both calmer when he asked me how come I was that far along.

"That's wild, I can't imagine how scary that must be. One day you're not pregnant the next you're in labour? I'd go mental," he said. I laughed, I think his accent made what he said funnier than it should've sounded, the 'mental' so British, I couldn't hold in my laugh.

"I'd probably lose my mind too. But I'm glad that's not us, I want to experience fully the whole process of having life grow inside me. I've already been robbed almost five months, I'm planning to make the most of the last few months," I said.

"Yeah, I want that for us too. Before we get to the gender, let's trace when it was we got pregnant," he said, a thoughtful expression on his face.

"I did the calculations in my head, but it seems that conception was that weekend for the friend's getaway, it makes sense that way," I replied. I had not been sexual with him the entire week leading up to that weekend, being on periods and all, but also in my head about having gone on my periods when I had expected to be pregnant.

"You mean that night you gave woman on top for the first time?" He asked with a naughty look on his face. I just knew he was picturing it and it made me shy.

"Yes! And do not look at me like that, you're not getting any," I said when his eyes became hooded. Oh who was I kidding? I was hot for this man everyday of my life. But he cheesed, the mischief leaving his eyes.

"Anyway, what do you think it's going to be, boy or girl?" He asked with a chuckle, lifting up the envelope. A much brighter smile tugged at my lips.

"I don't know, but I really hope it's a girl. No hate on boys, but growing up with two? I think I've lived around testosterone for long enough," I said. I already knew he wanted to be a girl dad before being a boy dad.

"We're on the same page then, let's see if this baby is on our side too." And then he tore the envelope, a small cue card with four letters, big and clear as day, stating that we were indeed having a girl.

Thuso and I sprung to our feet and maybe it was excitement, but that man squealed, albeit a manlier squeal, and jumped around in circles with me.

Honestly? The happiest day of my entire existence.

Now though, we had to get ready for the grand opening event by that was in four hours.


It was stunning!

The hotel had valet service at the entrance, said entrance a modern design with vertical panelled walls and glass mechanical doors. The hotel staff wore toffee coloured blazers with black bottoms and shiny black shoes. They were quite chic, not even gonna lie.

My husband, clad in an Armani suit that I handpicked myself, a navy blue colour that fit him like second skin helped me out of the car. I smiled, thanking him with a kiss as he placed his hand on the small of my back to guide me inside.

I matched with him in colour, wearing a mermaid dress with a high slit, the waist singed in by the tightness of the dress, with a pointed sweetheart neckline. Let's just say Thuso was buried in my breast for a few seconds after he saw me in that dress.

We made our way inside, the workers bowing their heads in greeting to Mr. Bossman. We were welcomed by the management team of the hotel, telling us operations were so far running smoothly.

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