chapter forty

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Pre-official marriage preparations.

It has been weeks since Thuso asked me to become Mrs. Moeti officially, and we were only getting around to it tomorrow.

Although it wasn't going to be a big thing, I still wanted to look cute. Which was why after work on Thursday, I went to nail bar to get my fingers and toes done, and then a salon to get my hair washed, braided and a wig laid.

I was running a bit late for my appointment, but thankfully, there was a fifteen minute hold-off before they took a walk in. Luckily, I made it there five minutes after my actual appointment, apologising for my tardiness while breathless. The worker was kind enough to smile as she led me to a station.

I went to greet the lady sitting on the other chair when I recognised who it was. My eyes went wide, hers already wide, I'm guessing from spotting me first.

"Oh, hi Njabulo," I said, feeling extremely awkward. After the whole thing with the baby, Njabulo has kept her distance, only answering the few check-ins Thuso sent her way. After all, the woman was not only his friend, but once upon a time, she was his girlfriend and had carried his first child.

"Warona, hello," she said formally. An awkward silence befell us once again. I turned to look in the mirror, hand instantly going to my very visible protruding belly when I felt my baby kick.

"Congratulations," she said after a while. At first? I was confused at where the word had come from, I was so in my head about everything I had even forgotten my whereabouts.

"Thank you," I grimaced. I still felt overwhelmed about her situation. Having to go through all of that must have been hard. She looked different, fuller, brighter even, so unlike what I had pictured her whenever she'd come to mind. She seemed happier.

"Don't feel bad, if that's what the grimace was about. I'm sincere in my sentiments. I've always wanted the best for Thuso, and for a long time, I thought that was with me. Things worked out the way they did for a reason, I've moved on from the situation, I've found the love I deserve, so I truly understand now fully what he had meant when he told me he loved you," she said. I was shocked really, I didn't think she'd divulge.

Surprisingly, the resentment I had felt for her before was nowhere to be found. Instead, I felt a deep respect for her. Pulling yourself up, and showing up like this from rock bottom? In just months? Amazing really.

"I'm glad, that you have found the one." And I meant that. They were putting cuticle oil on her, signalling the end of the process.

"Thank you. Bye Warona, it was nice seeing you," she said as she got up.

"It was nice seeing you too." As she left, a smile lingered on my lips.


There was a queue.

I didn't really know what to expect, it was my first marriage after all. The service was surprisingly fast, considering this was a government institution. We all knew South African government services were subpar.

After about an hour of standing in line, we stepped out with a temporary marriage certificate , with both our names on it, our surnames now the same.

The moment was not fireworks or slow motion, but it was real and I knew this was a big deal. The reality of everything had me sitting silently in the car, taking everything in.

11 months ago, I was completely gutted over marrying him. Today, I felt like I've never made a righter decision before. This man was truly it for me.

"Are you okay baby?" Thuso asked.

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