chapter eighteen

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When I got the call that Thuso was admitted in the hospital due to a car accident, my heart stopped. And then, it beat up again so fast, I was convinced it would beat right out of my chest.

My fingers flew across my keyboard as I called for an Uber to Mediclinic Sandton Hospital. On the way, I called our parents, and they were all currently making their way over here.

My head was spinning, my blood rushing and I couldn't really focus on anything. I was so worried that when the receptionist told me to wait in the waiting room, with no one wanting to tell me what was up, I felt like crying.

But the tears didn't come out, not even thirty minutes later when no one came to give me an update. At forty-five minutes, I was ready to turn the building upside down, but a doctor came and asked for Mr. Moeti's family. The sigh of relief that escaped me only lasted a few moments due to the doctor's sullen face.

"Here I am, I'm Mrs. Moeti," I said. Although by law, I still used my dad's surname, it was only culturally where I was recognised as Mrs. Moeti.

"I have good and bad news for you. Luckily, your husband survived the accident, considering how bad it was. Unfortunately, he suffered a broken leg and arm. We've put him on casts, and he'll be using a wheelchair for at least six weeks. He's currently under sedation but should wake up in a short moment. You're welcome to see him," she said.

All that mattered to me at that moment was that he was fine. I followed the doctor towards his room without any words. He opened the door and allowed me to walk in first. It was a ward and there were three other people in the room besides him, all passed out.

The sight of him, the skin on his face scratched and battered, with a bandage wrapped around his fired head, broke my heart, tearing it to pieces. I slowly approached him, happy and sad at the same time to see him.

"Is it possible for him to be moved to a private room?" I asked. Not because I was rich and could afford it now that I was married to him, but because I'd appreciate if I could cry for him without the audience, though for now, it was a group of passed out males.

"Yes, that can be arranged. I'll give you a few minutes," the doctor said then nodded before turning for the door.

With him gone and no one to impress by being strong, I collapsed on the chair beside his bed, my hands immediately reaching out for his unharmed side and clasping softly.

"Thu-so," I whimpered, voice breaking. The tears that were nowhere to be found earlier were now falling down my cheeks, the one word opening the flood gates and I sat there, shaking, crying and praying to God.

The sedatives must've been strong because he stayed out the entire time I poured out my heart. Couldn't I catch a break? It's like every time things took a turn for the better, there would be something to make us go ten times back.

"What happened?" I asked out loud. I know it was a car accident, but could it be that the results came out positive? That was impossible though, the labs didn't work on same day results, so it couldn't be that.

As my mind raced with possibilities, the door opened and two males in hospital gear came in. They greeted and explained their business, so I waited outside as he got moved to a private room. Just then, his dad and sister's arrived,

"Nana?" My father in law called. I felt like I was six again, running into his arms after Thuso had done something to upset me. Just like then, he embraced me with his warm arms, saying nothing as the tears I had thought were finished continued to roll out of me.

"He's fine papa 2, but he looks so hurt," I said. The peace that transcends people in their sleep was nowhere in sight. In its stead was a tormented expression that seemed as though Thuso was stuck in a loop of agony wherever his mind currently was. I hoped it was from the pain of the accident, but a part of me felt like it wasn't

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