chapter twenty-nine

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We convened again an hour after check in just so everyone could settle in. The couples are sharing chalets while Brian and Thabile are booked inside the hotel rooms, so they didn't feel too alone in the chalets. The hotel is where we meet up by the bar area.

"The staff says our braai lapa is ready with essentials, once Thabile gets here, we can all go," Thuso informed us. We were planning a braai and drinking chilled night for the first night, and only Thabile was late. I didn't know if I was going to be drinking much tonight, after that one glass of champagne in the car, I was feeling a little queasy, so the plan was to stay away from alcohol.

"You really went all out with this hey? Like my room is literal perfection," Thabile said once she joined us. Like I had expected, she definitely gelled well with everyone, and it made me happy that Thuso and I's plan was working great.

"I'm glad you're liking it, hopefully you feel the same throughout the rest of the trip. Shall we?" Thuso said, gesturing outside for us to follow. We went to the little station set up for us, using the golf carts assigned to us since the area was a bit far from the main area, plus it was also getting dark, so I was thankful for the convenient journey.

The set up he spoke of was cute. There was a braai stand all ready for the meat grillers to get to it. There were ice buckets filled with liquor and sodas. Two plates of snacks sat on the wooden block of a table, along with glasses and other things we may need. Outdoor sofas surrounded the table, and that's where the girls and I sat while the guys attended to the meat.

"I'm so glad they prepared the pap and sides, lord knows after the long day I had, I have no business cooking," Lerato said with a groan.

"Felt. Plus, this gives us a chance to play games," I said, bringing out the 30 seconds game I brought along with us.

"Oohh! I love this game so much! How are we choosing teams?" Sade asked.

"I was thinking girls versus boys?" I suggested and everyone agreed. It was then decided that Brian would stay at the braai stand as he was voted the best meat griller, and that his only role in the game would be to answer. We all gathered around the sofas, and of course, Thuso came and sat beside me. I was not even surprised, he loved being attached to my hip. I loved it too.

"Alright, first one to roll the highest number goes first," Lerato said before rolling the dice. She rolled a two, and Qhawe, to represent the guys, rolled a two as well. This continued for three rounds where we tied before finally, I rolled a two and Thuso rolled a zero.

"Let's goo!" Thabile cheered, rolling the dice and thankfully, rolling a zero which meant no points were going to be deducted. Unfortunately, she was bad at explaining. You'd think with her being a teacher and all, this would be a piece of cake for her. I supposed the alcohol got to her brain because I couldn't believe we lost out on points that easily.

If it wasn't clear before, I was really competitive and took 30 seconds personally. Thuso laughed when his team got five points and I snuck my tongue out at him when they had two points deducted from them.

"Thabile is banned from asking. You go Wawa, I know you got us," Lerato said and all the girls agreed. Thabile sulked and Brian came forward, giving her a piece of wors that had gotten cooked. We all protested loudly while Thabile bit her meat with a victorious smile.

Once everyone settled down, it was my time to explain things. We rolled a one, so I wanted us to get everything right so that only one point was deducted.

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