chapter twenty-one

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6 weeks later.

"Feeling like a brand new man!" Thuso exclaimed as we left the hospital. After being in casts for over a month, I could definitely understand.

"I love this for you baby," I said, leaning into his side more. I won't even lie, our bond has grown like crazy over the weeks.

"Thank you! And I think the first thing we will do to celebrate is go to a spa," he said. My eyes widened in delight.

"Really? A girl could really use that. Though I don't know how I feel about another girl's hands on your body." I looked at him with narrowed eyes.

"I didn't peg you for the jealous type Warona," he said, sounding very pleased. A devilish smile came onto my lips once a thought passed my mind.

"Let's see if you'll like it when a male masseuse massages me." The pleased smile immediately dropped, a deep frown settling on his lips. I burst out laughing, reaching out my hand so I could squeeze his check. Yeah, we were that kind of a couple.

"I guess a spa date won't work?" He asked when we got inside the car.

"I was just kidding babe, she can massage you all she wants, you're still my man at the end of the session," I said and he leaned in to capture my lips for a kiss. We have been doing a lot of that ever since we first kissed. It has really become my favourite thing to do.

On the road, he made calls to the nearest spas for available slots, and got one on his second call at Aronia Day Spa. The appointment was at 13:30, which was an hour and seventeen minutes away.

"How about we go eat lunch while we wait?" He suggested.

"Sounds great, where were you thinking?" I asked him.

"I'm in the mood for Sushi, are you keen?" I made a face, I didn't like seafood at all.

"Clearly you don't know me," I said in an offended tone.

"Don't tell me you're one of those people?" He asked in shock.

"Don't tell me you're one of those people!" I exclaimed. He's the one that eats raw fish, he can't come at me at all.

"But why? Sushi is supreme food!" He pointed out.

"My opinion of you has completely changed," I said, making a face.

"I don't think this is going to work out. It was fun while it lasted," he continued. I burst out laughing, glad he could play along with me.

"On the real though, I'm not eating seafood baby," I said seriously.

"Alright then, McDonald's?" My eyes widened in delight as I danced in my seat.

"A man after my heart," I responded and he laughed. Honestly, when was the last time I went to McDonald's?

"I wonder why I keep working this hard for a woman without taste," he said while shaking his head.

"Because you loooove me," I sang, only realising my words after saying them. A moment of silence passed over us, and it just had to be when I stopped at the robots.

"That, I do," he said. His voice was very low, but I heard him all the same.

"You do?" I asked. The notion didn't scare me. In fact, the prospect made me excited. The past six weeks have been great, I've really grown closer to him and I could truly say I've more than fell for him.

"I do," he confirmed. A smile spread my lips wide and I allowed his confirmation to settle between us. We got to McDonald's and used the drive-thru option. After getting our meals, I parked off to the side so we could eat.

"I saw it a movie once and I want us to try it," Thuso said as I got my burger out of the bag.

"What is it?" I asked, looking at him with narrowed eyes. The tone he used suggested I wasn't going to be a big fan of what he wanted us to do. And yes, we were that close now, close enough for me detect where he would take things whenever we spoke.

"Sitting on the bonnet and looking up at the sky while eating," he said. I was shaking my head before he finished what he was saying.

"Good thing this isn't a movie. And maybe a Range is strong, but not enough to hold me up. Besides Thuso, it's hot out, nobody wants to be under all that," I said, my tone very disapproving.

"Party pooper," he sulked but I ignored him. I admired my burger for a second before taking a bite.

"Babe," he started after a few moments of silence.

"Don't say anything stupid please," I said. I already didn't like talking while I was eating, if he was going to suggest something stupid again, I was going to leave him here.

"I was going to say let's go shopping instead of the spa, but okay, be like that." I almost dropped my burger with how fast I moved. I grabbed his free hand and brought it to my face.

"Sorry my love! Of course I'd like to go shopping, I wasn't really into going to the spa like that anyway." He tried to keep a straight face, but it didn't last long until he let out a laugh.

"The drama within you sis!" He said and I gave him a look.

"If you want to be left then continue with this behaviour!" I said, pushing his arm away from me.

"Ah aowa Warona, o hot and cold babe, you need to be dickmatised kao bona." My jaw went slack. I didn't even know what to do with myself after he dropped that bomb. My initial reaction was to scold him, but alas the woman was too stunned to speak. "Now are we going shopping or not?" The switch up from fluent Setswana to British English, coupled with the I 'need dick in my life' comment were so dizzying that I just came out of the car without saying anything, joining him on his side before we both walked to the entrance of Sandton City.

"I want to go to ARC," I told him once I recovered from my shock. He was holding my hand guiding me through the throngs of people like he wasn't on casts two hours ago.

"Then to ARC we shall go," he said. He was in such a mood today and I was all here for it, not even gonna lie. Besides, he wasn't completely wrong earlier, if you catch my drift.

We got to ARC after minimal searching. I actually wanted to buy make up products. I'm not a big make up girl, but I do want to become one. With my being a Moeti wife, price tags weren't scary to me anymore, and, this trip was sponsored by yours truly, so Fenty Beauty, here I come baby.

Best believe I made Thuso regret his decision to take me shopping. Not only did I take two hours at ARC, and then went ahead to buy make up and skin care for R35k, but we also went to designer stores so I could get a D&G belt, a Hugo Boss perfume, a Versace clutch with a matching wallet, and of course Foschini, I might be a rich wife now, but I still loved their style especially when coming to work clothes.

Did I feel bad for spending a lot of money? Yes, especially because I didn't need the stuff and people could really use the money for things they truly needed. Which was why when we got to the car, I told Thuso my plans about starting a nonprofit organisation that will ensure that orphans have a place to live, including a bright future ahead of them, despite the circumstances.

"That is perfect baby. My dad and I have been looking into charities the company can sponsor, and he said I could pick one once I'm announced as CEO. If we get it started up before then, I'll be able to put it on the list." I smiled.

The shopping spree was not a wasted trip after all.

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