chapter thirteen

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Just as I entered the house, Thuso was making his way back. With the rush I was in, I bumped into him accidentally because I didn't have the time to stop in my tracks, I guess he saw me too late.

"Woah, are you okay?" He was holding me in place with his hands on my shoulders. I hated how warm his touch made me feel.

"I don't know Thuso, do I look okay to you?" I snapped. While I was still pissed, I felt relieved that I didn't find them in a compromising position. I think that would've broken my heart.

"What's going on?" He asked, clearly confused, but also concerned. I hated that I could read his eyes so well, but somehow missed the history between him and Njabulo.

"Why didn't you tell me you and Njabulo have a past? You even invited the woman into our house!" I continued. Luckily, even in these heated situations, I knew to level my voice.

His face fell with realisation, and then guilt married his expression. Yeah! You should feel guilty because you lied to me!

"I was going to tell you, I promise!" He said, looking like he was pleading for me to understand.

"When Thuso? If the roles were reversed, how were you going to take this? Finding out from my friends about my history with someone I invited into our house?" My arms were folded across my chest and I even stepped back a little. It was hard enough trying to gather my thoughts, and with him and his scent close to me, I couldn't even breathe.

"Not well at all. I'm not excusing myself, I understand how bad this is. I'm sorry I didn't do it sooner, and that you didn't hear it from me," he said. God he was good at apologising, he never made me feel invalidated.

"I think I'm gonna go. Have fun with your friends!" I said and stomped away. When I almost bumped into Njabulo in the hallway, who was clearly listening in on our conversation, I cussed under my breath. Maybe it was jealousy, but I really didn't like this girl and the evil glint in her eyes was definitely not helping her case.

"Wait! Warona, let's talk this out?" I heard Thuso call after me, but I didn't stop. I climbed those stairs faster than I ever had. I was breathless when I reached the top, I still didn't stop though because he was hot on my heels.

I went straight to my dressing room to change out of my swimsuit, didn't even stop when he walked in on me undressing, he's seen half of me in the suit, at this point, there was not much left to the imagination and then packed a bag. I wasn't sure where I was going, or for how long, but I needed to be out of here.

"Warona please, please don't leave. I know I'm at fault for all this, but please don't leave me. I'm sorry love, I really didn't think this through, I had a plan," he pleaded. That stopped me in my tracks.

"And what was your plan Thuso?" He called me love, the butterflies in my stomach from that word alone were crazy. Damn his English accent.

"I figured telling you before meeting her would make you have reservations about her, so the plan was to tell you today, with her around, so you could see her for yourself that she wasn't someone to be wary of and what we had is over." She was someone to be wary off, she's been nothing but shady this entire day, but clearly he was blind to it. And maybe it was over for him, but it definitely wasn't for her.

"Well, I don't like her and I won't pretend that I do. I also won't tell you who to be friends with, but I hope that woman will never step into my house again. For tonight, I'll let things be, but I'm going because I'm still mad at you and need some space. I'll come in the morning." I told him. In this case, I chose to trust in him, but it still didn't take away from the fact that I was pissed at him for omitting the truth.

"Where are you going to go?" He asked, sounding defeated.

"To Lerato's," I said, closing up my bag.

"Can I drive you?" My heart melted. Even in a heated argument, he was being sweet. Damn this man was going to be my weakness!

"No Thuso. Stay with your friends, I'll see you in the morning. I'll have your driver take me," I said, seeing as I had drank more than my limit and I hated driving under the influence.

"Okay." He took my bag for me, but one could tell he wasn't happy about my leave. We walked downstairs and his friends were at the landing, waiting for us.

"You guys okay? I'm sorry for my big mouth!" Sade said, looking apologetic. She wasn't at fault, the only person to blame here was Thuso.

"We're okay, I just need some space. And it's okay, it's not your fault. I'm sorry to cut this short, but it was lovely meeting you, at least most of you. I hope to see you guys under different circumstances. As for you Njabulo, respectfully, I don't want you in my house after today," I said. Everyone wore shocked expressions, but I said what I said. That girl had nothing but evil all around her, I wish I had the power to choose who Thuso could be friends with. Unfortunately I didn't.

I got to Lerato's flat around 18:00 and she was waiting for me at the door.

"Aww babes," she said, arms opening for me to walk into. My tears immediately fell in the comfort her embrace offered, and she allowed me to let it all out. Once I was calm, we left the door and she brought out a bottle of wine and some glasses.

"What happened friend?" I explained everything that transpired. Her lips formed a straight line once I was done.

"What?" I asked.

"So your best course of action was to leave the man you clearly have feelings for, who clearly has zero feelings for the other girl, with a girl you're certain still loves your husband?" Okay, when she put it like that, it sounded stupid.

"I can't fight for his affections. I can't believe I actually have feelings for Thuso, maybe that's why I left? Because I sure as heaven don't know how to handle these emotions," I said, an exasperated sigh leaving my lips.

"Well, you need to go back. If you want to save your relationship with your husband, return to your house before the other girl claws her way back in!" I shook my head vigorously.

"There's no way I'm going back. If he chooses to be with her, then so be it." I poured myself a second glass of the wine and took two large sips of my drink.

Lerato didn't convince me to go, instead we drank wine and listened to music. But the truth was, my mind was reeling. A month ago, when we first made those rules in our house about our relationship, I had told him he was free to date other women. But now that I've gotten to experience a side of him I never knew, that statement made my stomach twist. I would rather he try to work things out with me, see where it would take us if we gave this a real chance.

Maybe it was the alcohol, I've had four glasses so far and I'm sure my blurry vision meant that I was drunk. But at 22:30, I was calling Thuso with the intentions to tell him to come and fetch me. He picked up on the first ring.

"Wawa," his deep voice said. My smile was sloppy.

"Come and fetch me please?" Lerato's mouth, which was also mouthing who was I calling, went slack. The sight was comical.

"Where are you? Still at Lerato's?"

"Yes," I replied.

"Okay, I'll be there shortly." And then he hung up. I turned to Lerato with a sheepish smile.

"You're so whipped!"

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