chapter fourteen

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Thuso's POV(before Warona left for Lerato's place).

I got up and headed to the bathroom. So far, the day has been a success. Njabulo kept to her promise of keeping things civil, and she's done as much. I was just dreading the moment of telling Warona that Njabulo was my ex.

To be honest, I didn't want to invite her. We had a whole argument before my breakup with her, and I understand that it was unfair for her, but it had to be done.

The fight wasn't the only reason for my reservation. In the three months before my wedding with Warona, Njabulo would call once in a while, and cry about our break up. Because of guilt, I allowed her the space but soon realised how bad that was going to turn out for me.

One time, she called me when I was at home, and Warona almost walked in on me talking to her. That same day, I met up with Njabulo and gave her an ultimatum. Either we stay friends, and she moved completely on from our past and respected my covenant with Warona, or we cut ties and live our lives apart. Seeing as she's here today, it's clear what she chose. So far, we haven't had any mishaps, hence why I was confident in inviting her to our house.

"Thuso, we need to talk," Njabulo said when I came out of the bathroom. My soul nearly left my body because I hadn't expected her to be outside waiting for me.

"About what, and why now?" I asked, clutching my chest still a bit in shock.

"There's something I need to tell you, but I don't know how to do that," she said. My eyes narrowed in confusion. What was so important that she had to wait for me to go to the bathroom before she could tell me.

"Whatever it is, it's gonna have to wait. I have other guests here, and I can't be in here away from them," I said. Before she could say anything, I walked away. For the second time, I got the freight of my life when I bumped into Warona as she was about to get in.

"Woah, are you okay?" I held onto her shoulders to keep her in place. She looked really furious.

"I don't know Thuso, do I look okay to you?" She snapped. My assumption was right, she was pissed. But what about?

"What's going on?" I asked. Had something happened while I was away? I know Brian could be real forward with his mouth sometimes.

"Why didn't you tell me you and Njabulo have a past? You even invited the woman into our house!" My lips formed an on o with realisation, and then guilt because clearly my friends had ran off with that.

"I was going to tell you, I promise!" I said, pleading for her to understand with my voice.

"When Thuso? If the roles were reversed, how were you going to take this? Finding out from my friends about my history with someone I invited into our house?" Definitely not thrilled. In fact, the thought of Warona having an ex sounded displeasing to me.

"Not well at all. I'm not excusing myself, I understand how bad this is. I'm sorry I didn't do it sooner, and that you didn't hear it from me," I said. At this point, I was grasping at the ends, hoping she would hear me out. I had a perfectly reasonable explanation for this.

"I think I'm gonna go. Have fun with your friends!" I followed after her, ignoring Njabulo's apologetic expression as we walked passed her.

"Wait! Warona, let's talk this out?" I never saw Warona climb those stairs this fast. If it was not clear before how mad she was, it was now.

When I got into her dressing room, she was about to put on a dress over her body. I gulped at the sight of her exposed body, which felt different now that she was wearing underwear and not her swimsuit. But I got out of that haze quickly because my mind realised what was happening and my fears seemed to come alive in front of my eyes. I vowed to make it up to the beautiful woman before me, instead I was driving her away by omitting the truth from her. Had I known my actions would result in this, I would've had a different approach to the situation.

In that moment, I wished I never dated. To be truthful, I never thought Warona and I would get this chance, despite knowing that she was my soulmate. I'm pretty sure if I knew I'd have this chance, I wouldn't have a history quiet like mine.

"Warona please, please don't leave. I know I'm at fault for all this, but please don't leave me. I'm sorry love, I really didn't think this through, I had a plan," I pleaded, not caring if it made me sound weak. Lord knew I was already weak for this woman.

"And what was your plan Thuso?"

"I figured telling you before meeting her would make you have reservations about her, so the plan was to tell you today, with her around, so you could see her for yourself that she wasn't someone to be wary of and what we had is over." I won't lie, Njabulo and I were pretty serious. With friendship as our foundation, our relationship was almost perfect. Before my dad told me about the wedding to Warona, I had honestly thought I would marry Njabulo.

Another part of me knew that I had convinced myself into loving Njabulo. She wasn't who I wanted to end up with, but she was there for me, and I thought since I couldn't have who I wanted, at least I had her, my female best friend.

But when I knew about Warona, I didn't think twice about letting go of Njabulo. In fact, what that made me realise was that I was being unfair to Njabulo. In fact, I was an asshole, which was why I felt guilty about our situation too. I had so much to make up for to last me two lifetimes to be honest.

"Well, I don't like her and I won't pretend that I do. I also won't tell you who to be friends with, but I hope that woman will never step into my house again. For tonight, I'll let things be, but I'm going because I'm still mad at you and need some space. I'll come in the morning." I genuinely care for Njabulo, but if her presence in my life causes such problems, I don't think her being around was a good idea. Cutting her off because of my marriage was selfish, but if it put Warona at ease, I would do it in a heartbeat.

"Where are you going to go?" I asked, feeling defeated.

"To Lerato's," she said.

"Can I drive you?" It didn't matter that my friends were still here. If she needed me to, I won't bat an eyelash.

"No Thuso. Stay with your friends, I'll see you in the morning. I'll have your driver take me," that gave me some comfort. After all, she was under the influence still as she had more to drink than I had.

"Okay." I took her  bag for her, but I wasn't happy about her leave. We walked downstairs and my friends were at the landing, waiting for us.

"You guys okay? I'm sorry about my big mouth!" Sade said, looking apologetic. She must be the one who spilled the beans. I knew Sade, and I knew she wasn't a malicious person. I'm sure it didn't come out as gossip from her, so the realisation didn't make me angry. Besides, I was in the wrong, not her.

"We're okay, I just need some space. And it's okay, it's not your fault. I'm sorry to cut this short, but it was lovely meeting you, at least most of you. I hope to see you guys under different circumstances. As for you Njabulo, respectfully, I don't want you in my house after today," she said. Everyone's eyes went wide, including my own at the last part. I think what shocked me more than her honesty, was how respectful she was even in that moment. A new found respect blossomed within me for her.

My fights with Njabulo were always loud, chaotic and aggressive. If the roles were reversed, I knew Njabulo wasn't going to handle it as well as Warona was handling it right now. My ancestors really were onto something about Wawa being my soulmate.

After Warona left, the mood was too somber for the party to continue, so we ended up calling it a day. Sade and Azi were the first to leave, then Brian. Njabulo stayed behind, we had important things to discuss.

"Before you say what you wanted to say earlier, I want you to hear this out. I thought bringing you here would be a good thing, but I was clearly wrong. Maybe I'm blind to your actions, but Warona felt unnerved by your presence here, and it must be through what you've done because she hadn't had a clue about us until a few moments before she left. It's unfair to you, and I'm prepared to receive my karma for my actions towards how I've treated you throughout the recent months, but I don't want us to be friends anymore because it's not working. I still care about you, but my marriage to Warona comes first." I said.

"Thuso, I'm pregnant with your child! This is what I've been trying to tell you but you don't want to hear me out!" She burst out angrily! My heart almost dropped.

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