chapter twenty-seven

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It was Monday, which meant I had only one more full day, before I had to get back to work for the reopening of schools.

But it also meant it was Thuso's birthday today. Yep, my man was turning 29, and I was at home, preparing something intimate to celebrate him.

There was a few things I got him, which honestly, were hard to come up with, because what do you buy a man that has everything they could possibly need and want?

The answer was a perfume he had ran out of, the bottle of it still on his shelve of perfumes, which had we not been rich, I wasn't going to consider buying it, because what do you mean 50 grand for a 100ml perfume? Luxury brands are unnecessary sometimes hey?

Another thing on that list was a pair of sunglasses. My man loved shades, and there was a newly released perfect pair that I thought he'd love from Tom Ford. Knowing him, I knew he was going to freak out when he saw them.

The last thing that I bought was a new card holder from LV, but only because his current one was worn out. As the CEO of a whole hotel chain, he couldn't be seen walking around in such a thing. In fact, I had suggested he moved to Apple Pay, but some things remained old school with him, one of them being having his cards with him.

In the morning, we did have morning glory, or birthday sex if you will. I had spent the previous days watching tutorials on how to do WOT, and let's just say, they weren't lying about spelling the word coconut because when I got to the U, he was already filling me up with his babies.

And right now, I was in the kitchen, domesticating away so that he arrived home to a full course meal, including a cake I was currently baking from scratch, as dessert.

I'm not a big baker. Tell me to whip you up a zesty Turkey roast, and I'll do it in a heartbeat, but with baking? Well, I was just bare minimum good. Which was why I was following along a recipe on YouTube, to make the perfect chocolate moist cake, because that was Thuso's favourite.

By the time I placed the pan in the oven, my face was covered in flour, my apron was a mess with chocolate dough, and the entire kitchen had been turned upside down. If this came out like trash, I'm throwing hands to my iPad and that video for leading me astray.

As it baked, I washed the dishes, tidied up the entire kitchen and mopped the floors so it was back to being sparkly clean.

Feeling pressed, I headed to the bathroom to pee, my heart dropping when I saw a big blop of bright red blood on my pantyliner.


Thuso found me in bed, miserable. It was 19:02 and I had been in here for two hours. After making sure everything was ready downstairs, I had went up to take a shower, but ended up crying until there weren't any tears left, while sitting on the tiled floor of the shower.

The prospect of being pregnant, carrying a life inside of me, was one I had anticipated for the past two weeks. Seeing my period come on time only meant one thing. And honestly, that crushed my spirit so hard, I couldn't even hold out until my husband returned so we could celebrate him.

"What's wrong baby?" He asked, immediately detecting I wasn't okay, even though I had not said anything.

"My periods came today," I said, letting my sentence trail in the air. I was sure he knew that meant we were not pregnant.

In all honesty, I thought it was going to be easy. I mean, we just having sex, and then boom, life growing inside me right? But clearly not, or maybe God had other plans?

"I'm sorry baby. But don't be too discouraged. Sometimes it doesn't happen on the first try, we could always try again," Thuso said. But I could see the disappointment in his eyes. He'd been anticipating my pregnancy too.

"Yeah, we could. But I was so sure we would be this time," I said. I read online that your periods could come as scheduled few weeks after conception, but usually in the form of spotting. I had no hope because of the heaviness of my flow, which always happened on the first day of my periods.

"I was too. But let's not let it discourage us." He got into bed and pulled me to him. I didn't have the heart to scold him for wearing outside clothes in our bed, too sad to even care. I was just happy that he was home, and that I could find solace in his arms.

We decided to pray then, wanting God to be with us in that moment. It was surprisingly a long session, which had me crying, and Thuso teary eyed by the end of it all.

"I'm sorry baby. It's your birthday today, yet here we are, crying," I said, wiping the tears that had slipped out of his eyes.

"Don't sweat it." He caught my wrist, eyes connecting with mine in an intense gaze. When they dropped to my lips, it suddenly felt hot. But before he could lean in, I stood up and pulled him up.

"Not all hope is lost though, I've actually prepared something for you," I said.

"Oh? What is it?" He looked a bit dumbfounded. I laughed at his expense, Thuso loved sex way too much.

"Let's go, and you will see." I led him to the back patio. The weather was lovely, the night cooling off what the day left behind. I hated the summer with all my heart. But at least tonight wasn't as hot.

Mmapula had helped with setting up, and everything looked straight out of a staging project. The surround wooden walls were wrapped with fairy string lights, which set the mood for the night, along with the electric candles that were placed on top of the table. I set up the table cloths using Thuso's favourite colours, black and red, with black being the main attraction. Off to the side, I had asked Mmapula to place the food for the night in the warmers, and the mini fridge for our dessert.

"Wow baby, this is beautiful," he said when we stepped on the deck. I smiled, watching as he took everything in. This day didn't have to be so bad, sure we got disappointed, but there was a life I appreciated that was still around, and God blessing him with yet another year added to his life, I was very grateful to him for Thuso.

"I'm glad you like it, take a seat, Mr. Moeti." Because I'm extra like that, I pulled the chair back for him, and he gave me a criminally offensive side eye. I laughed, urging him to sit with a beckoning of my head. Once he was seated, I went to my side and sat down opposite from him.

"I'd like to start the night off by saying a little something to you," I started and he nodded. "First off, happy birthday motho waka, I'm so thankful to God for making you see the year 29, it never looked this good. Secondly, I'd love to highlight a few things about you that I appreciate, in your honour. I love you, for who you are. I love how attentive you are to everyone around you, I know that's what makes you such an amazing partner, and now boss to 100s of employees. I love how kind you are. Life has been rough on you, and the fact that you grew past the hurt, and became this kind man, is so admirable. I hope and pray God keeps you for me. I love you so much baby, happy birthday."

I didn't know why I was crying. Thuso stood up and walked over to my side. Helping me up, he pulled me to his chest. I hugged him tightly, his hand rubbing circles on my back comforting me.

"I love you more, Warona." We stayed like that for a few moments before finally getting to the second part of the evening, which was eating. I had prepared some savoury oxtail, creamy samp, butternut and creamy spinach for the main dish. For the starter, I prepared some loaded with creamy cheese and diced bacon hassle back potatoes. And the desert was obviously the baked cake, which surprisingly, came out too good, and a side of custard.

When we were eating the dessert, with Thuso raving about my astounding abilities in the kitchen, I brought out the rest of the gifts for him to see.

"You speak of how attentive I am, but look at you Mrs. Moeti!" He exclaimed. I laughed, watching as he looked at his perfume with astonishment.

"I learn from the best," I said, stroking his ego for good measure.

"You sure do." After he thanked me profusely for the night, we ended it in our bedroom, cuddling and just being in each other's presence until I fell asleep.

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