chapter thirty

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Thankfully, I woke up feeling much better.

I was even able to partake in the rest of the days activities, including planning the girls night I had in mind for the trip, where I'd invite the girls for a spa session here within the resort, after which we'd retire to this open room where I asked the staff to prepare a projector screen so we could have a movie night.

I even got them care packages, with rose gold pjs and a robe, a mini champagne with a personalised flute, a packet of chocolate balls from Lindor, and matching silk bonnets because I felt like spoiling my girls.

"I'll see you later baby," I said, getting on my toes so I could reach his lips. He held me in place by encircling my waist, kissing me once more.

"Have fun love," he said and I smiled.

I headed to the spa, where I was hoping to meet all the girls at exactly 19:00 for an hour long full body massage, facial and hot stones session. With five minutes before the hour, I placed the goodie bags on each bed, so each girl knew where to go, and when they arrived, I was all ready for them.

"Mhm this is lovely. We see you Mrs. Host," Sade commented and I laughed. The mood in the room was set, with the lights dimmed and scented candles lit to make the room smell nice.

"Ooh, these goodie bags for us? I knew there was a reason I became your friend!" Lerato added as she grabbed the goodie bag with her name on it.

"I always knew you were using me," I playfully responded. "Girls, in those bags you'll find essentials for the next thing on the agenda. But for now, we can all lie down so the ladies can get to it," I said while pointing to the beds.

"I'm getting spoiled-spoiled this weekend!" Thabile said excitedly ass she got out of her gown and laid on the bed. When she did it without feeling any type of way, I truly admired and envied her at the same time.

Following their leads, I took my gown off too and laid on the bed.

"So, Warona, what's Brian like?" Thabile asked once the staff started with our massages.

"Ha! I knew there was something there!" Sade said, and we all agreed.

"Why do you want to know Thabile?" Lerato asked with a knowing tone.

"Can't a girl be curious?" She responded defensively.

"She can, but what's causing the curiosity? You want yourself some Brian?" Sade asked with a playful tone.

"And what if I do? I mean we're both single," she said, causing the girls and I to holler.

"That you are. But, are you sure you want to get into that? He's a ladies man," Sade said.

"I'd listen to Sade, she knows him better than I do," I said.

"I mean, no hate for the man. Lord knows I love him to death. But he's been around, and he hasn't expressed interest in stopping," Sade said honestly.

"Well maybe I want him to be around in this cookie jar." The way I screamed? The other girls laughed, clearly finding Thabile funny. Guess I was the only prude here.

"Well then in that case, you do you boo. But don't say you weren't warned," Sade concluded.

"But isn't that messy? Say now y'all do whatever it is you do, and things turn ugly. I know we haven't formed something too serious, but I'm seeing these trips happening a lot more often. Will you be comfortable?" I asked her.

"I haven't actually thought about that hey? Anyway, nothing's been decided yet. Maybe it's a school girl crush that would be over after we leave this place," she said and I hummed.

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