bonus chapter

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Reader's discretion is advised. Sexual scene ahead, not advised for readers under the age of 18.

Ps. You can skip this chapter, you won't miss anything in the plot. This is just purely a consummation of their marriage, but in detail.

Now, to the juicy part. 💃🏾


Thuso's hands trailed down her sides, until they reached her hips. He slid them towards the middle, on her lower back, where he knew the two dimples resided. He teased them with his index fingers, intensely looking down at a shuddering Warona.

He brought up his other hand, placing it under her chin. Tilting her head up, he leaned down and captured her lips in a fiery kiss. The heat that blossomed in his chest, the feeling nearly explosive had his hand moving lower until he was cupping her soft ass.

Warona gasped into the kiss, heart racing as she anticipated what was to follow. She has never been touched this way, she has never felt this thrilled, and all at the mercy of Thuso, the guy she trusted to take all of her.

She followed him as he lead them inside the shower, heaving her shoulder's as the warm water hit her skin. Their lips never left each other, and her hands didn't know where to land, so she let them wander all over him.

Thuso finally pulled from her, but his kisses didn't end as he trailed them down to her jaw, neck until he was seated on the built in bench, now eye level with her big globes, staring at them in lust. Without hesitation, he dived in, capturing her nub that was erected with desire, one hand going to play with the one that wasn't in his mouth.

"Oh," Warona sighed, feeling electrified and shocked by the wave of pleasure that passed her. She didn't know she would like getting her titties sucked, flicked and pinched like she did right now.

Her head fell back, allowing the feeling to wash over her as Thuso continued tongue fucking her breast, giving each nub attention until she was so wet, she felt it travel down her thighs.

He came back up, capturing her lips once again as his hand trailed lower until he was cupping her mound. She shuddered, knees buckling in pleasure and excitement.

"May I?" He asked, and all Warona could do was nod. She breathed hard as his finger slid passed her wet folds, rubbing against her swollen clit and eliciting a moan from deep within her core.

"Ahh," she released, and then a cry left her lips as the rubbing intensified against her clit. "Yes!" She screamed and Thuso smiled against her lips.

"You like that?" His deep baritone voice vibrated against her skin, and another 'yes' left her lips. Wawa was no stranger to the feeling of orgasming. A few times out of curiosity, and pleasure after the first time, she too brought herself to an orgasmic combustion with just her fingers.

So when Thuso brought her to that finish, she was moaning his name out loud, her vision seeing only stars as the waves of pleasure flooded passed her. At the end of it, her eyes were closed shut, feeling so sensitive down there, that she jumped away from him as he continued rubbing against her.

Standing up, Thuso smirked down at her. He always thought Wawa was beautiful, but nothing could compare to her face as the pleasure showered her, lips forming an 'o' before sweetly moaning his name. If he was asked what he would choose to do over and over again, it would be to bring Wawa to pleasure just so he could see her face, so he could hear her moan his name.

Still in their bubble, Thuso grabbed the loofah, pouring a generous amount of Wawa's shower gel so he could wash her. The action didn't feel weird, they have washed each other before, and were way passed the awkward element. Now, he thought the action as sensual, intimate, running the loofah gently on her skin, slowly so he could invoke feelings of desire within Wawa.

Warona did the same for Thuso, pouring his shower gel on his loofah and washing his body. When she got around to his fully erected, standing at attention manhood, she struggled to wrap her hand around it, looking up at Thuso with lust in her eyes, before going down on her knees, and doing what she's been dreaming of doing for the past few weeks.

First, she moved her hand up and down, deliberately slow to drive him crazy. His head fell back, but his grip on her head tightened. Poking out her tongue, she ran it along his entire length, and smiled victoriously as he shuddered.

Because he was too big for her to have all of him in her mouth, she took in as much of him as she could, and massaged what was left as she hollowed out her mouth and bobbed her head forward and backwards.

Thuso groaned in pleasure, in shock that his innocent Wawa could become this naughty, and be good while at it. He felt his dick tighten, the fastest he's ever gotten to a release point, especially through just sucking.

"You might want to pull me out, I'm about to cum," he gritted out. He didn't want to just assume that she'd let him cum in her mouth.

"Fill me up with your seed," Wawa said, and then got back to work. Thuso was pleasantly surprised, but utterly turned on. As if those words were the little encouragement his release was waiting for, he exploded in her mouth, a deep groan following his release, and she swallowed every last of his babies, sucking him dry.

Once they were both clean, he guided the both of them out of the shower, not caring that their wet selves were making a mess on the tiled floor. He led them to the bedroom, kissing her like there was no tomorrow, in appreciation for being here with him in that moment.

Wawa breathed heavily, anticipating what was to come as Thuso trailed kisses down her stomach, coming up to admire he mound before diving in to get a taste. A gasp left her lips, and then her thighs were closing, the pleasure overwhelming as Thuso flicked his tongue expertly on her clit. And then he sucked. Sucking like he couldn't get enough of her.

And she loved it. Moans of pleasure leaving her lips, hands pressing his head deeper into her core, thighs firmly pressed together as though she didn't want him to stop. And then a crashing of emotions that shook her entire body as she came undone at his tongue, with his tongue lapping away until she was clean of her cum.

When he kissed her, making her taste herself, she sighed into the kiss. This felt perfect, she was glad she waited.

"I love you so much Warona," Thuso said, gazing adoringly in her eyes. His dick was at her entrance, hard, hot and pressing itself in. "I hope my actions thus far have proved as much. But I want to show you just how much by making love to you tonight," he said.

The uncomfortable pressure against her entrance had her clenching her teeth, but his sweet words had her relaxing her muscles, like Lerato had told her too.

"I love you Thuso!" She cried once he finally slipped in, a pinching feeling making her vision go starry for a second before a bubble of pleasure formed in the lower parts of her stomach as he slowly moved in and out.

Capturing her lips, he coached his mind not to burst a nut right then, she's so tight he thought to himself, feeling like he was going into delirium from holding himself back. When she clenched her walls around him, a growl from within escaped his mouth.

Warona couldn't believe that it was finally happening, or that it was better than she had hoped. He was so massive, filling her up entirely. And he was so skilled, touching parts of her she didn't know existed. She felt herself growing nearer and nearer to oblivion, nails digging deep into the skin on his shoulder as he went all the way in, making her take all of him, and then slowly sliding out. He repeated the action, and on the third time, her orgasm shook her, and she called out his name as it rolled out of her.

"I'm about to cum," Thuso confessed. He looked at her with question in his eyes, as if to ask whether he could cum inside her. Warona nodded, further cementing her approval by wrapping her thighs around him. His thrusts became erratic, and although she had just came, she felt the pressure build up once again the faster he pounded into her.

When she felt his seeds fill her up, her walls clenched once again, milking him as her own orgasm took over her. He collapsed on top of her, dick throbbing inside of her as they both panted.

After a few minutes of silently taking in the moment, Warona squirmed, and when Thuso looked at her questionably, she said,

"I want more." And so, Thuso fucked her until they were both satiated.

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