chapter seven

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"Warona, I hope you're ready because we have to leave in five minutes!" I heard Thuso say from outside my bedroom door. It was currently 19:12 right now, and we were headed to the Moeti Foundation charity event that supports people who have cancer. It was going to be my first formal charity event, and to say I was nervous would be an understatement.

"Would you please come in?" I called out to him. For the past thirty minutes, with breaks in between of course, I've been trying to pull up my zip at my back, but have failed. With our staff, except for the security, off for the weekend, there was no chance of calling Mmapula for help, leaving just my 'dear' husband to do the job.

The door clicked as he pulled down the handle, and then I assumed he walked in because my back was to the door, hence to him.

"What's up?" He asked coolly, and I pointed at my zip.

"Please help with this?" I asked, and I heard his footsteps as he closed the gap between us. I felt him before he touched me, my posture going rigid when he placed his hand on my bare skin to hold the top of the dress for me. I don't know if it was purposely, but he pulled up the zip in slow motion, which had me holding my breath, I don't know if it was with anticipation or if I was just plain nervous to have him this close to me.

"There you go, now can we leave?" He asked, sounding a little exasperated. Over the course of the week, I've come to learn that he was creature for punctuality. It was both admirable and annoying, annoying because it had me looking down at myself and doubting my dedication to life in general.

"Sure, let me just grab my shoes, you can start the car and I'll be down in a second," I said to him, heading towards my closet.

"I'm not driving today. There's a driver waiting for us downstairs, so if you could just hurry up," he said and I rolled my eyes at him. I know it was his event, but there was no need for him to be so antsy. We were going to make it there regardless. I grabbed my shoes, deciding to put them on in the car, before following him out the house.

When I saw a limousine in our driveway, my jaw went slack. I knew the Moeti clan loved to do things in style, but this was beginning to be too much. The driver opened the door for us and I was more amazed by the inside, which had a sky like roof, cream leather seats and a whole big ass TV on the wall separating the front and back.

"Would you like some bubbles?" He asked, pointing to the ice bucket that had a bottle of Moët with two flutes either side of it.

"I want to go through this night without a single drop of alcohol in my system," I said with a shake of my head.

"Alright then, more for me I guess," he said, popping the bottle open and pouring a glass for himself. A thought came to mind. Yes it has been over two decades since Mrs. Moeti passed away, but maybe Thuso always felt the effects of her absence during events like these, since she passed away due to cancer. If that was the case, his two glasses in the span of five minutes made sense.

Surprising even myself, I realised too late as my hand reached out to rest on his bouncing leg, which immediately stilled him. He looked at me, eyes shining under the moonlight slipping in through the windows. We said nothing, but I hoped my eyes communicated with him that I was here for him.

We arrived at the venue a few short minutes after, only removing my hand when it was time for us to get out. He reached out his hand for me to help me out and I grabbed it, throwing him a smile of appreciation. When he didn't let go of me, I didn't fight him, understanding that it was time for us to keep up with pretences.

Our pictures were taken at the little red carpet set up outside, and I made sure to showcase my best Colgate smile. Once we were done, Thuso led us inside, and the whole set up was gorgeous, nothing less than I expected from a Moeti event.

I hung onto his arm as we made rounds greeting guests. I realised my mistake 9 minutes into the event for not accepting those bubbles earlier, which was why I slipped from his arm with the excuse of going to get something to drink.

I located a whole food table, next to it, a bar. I was surprised to learn that they didn't just offer bubbles, but other drinks as well. So I got myself something strong, a margarita to be specific. The alcohol felt nice as it burned my throat, sweetened by the lime juice inside the mix as it went down.

I felt a buzz inside my system by the time I was done, and I only returned to Thuso's side when I had my second glass, this time of bubbles, since it seemed as though it was the most acceptable drink to bare in your hand.

"Warona my dear, how are you?" My father in law greeted me in his boastful tone. We hugged as per usual and I threw him a smile.

"As good as I can be, through this adaptation period. How are you papa?" I asked him.

"Thrilled to see you here, and happy about the turnout. When we first started this foundation, it was not as supported as you see it now. I'm sure your husband's connections have something to do with tonight, right son?" He turned to Thuso, who we caught grabbing another glass from the waiters who walked around with trays of flutes.

"Right," he agreed, though I was highly suspicious that he didn't know what he was agreeing to. I leaned in closer to him so only he could hear me.

"Slow down, we're not even half way through the event," I said in a firm tone. He wore a shocked look, but I didn't waver, looking pointedly at his flute. He nodded his head stiffly.

"Let me leave you lovely couple alone, the minister of health is here, let me go greet him," his father said and then left.

Though we didn't say anything, it seemed we both agreed that we had mingled enough. Thinking of something to do, I asked him if there was anywhere we could go without leaving the venue, at least until the event officially started, he led me through this two wooden doors that revealed some stairs. I trusted him as he led me up the stairs, and when we landed on the rooftop that overlooked the city, I was glad to have suggested this.

"Tell me what's wrong?" I asked him after a few moments of silence, both of us admiring the view before us.

"Nothing is wrong." I could detect the defence in his tone, but I wasn't going to have it. Not tonight.

"Don't play with me Thuso, I won't ask again," I said in a stern voice. He kept quiet for a few seconds and I thought he wasn't going to speak until he cleared his throat.

"I'm nervous okay? This is my first time leading an event from my dad's company, and I don't want to mess up, especially because of how much this specific one means to me. I don't know if you remember, but my mom died of cancer, and failing today would not only signify to the board members that I'm unfit, but I also feel like it would make feel like I failed my mother," he said, still looking out into the view.

"It's okay to be nervous Thuso, you are human after all. Besides, I believe in you not to mess this up, I saw you prepare for this day for two weeks, I'm sure it would go just fine. And as for your mom, from what I remember of her, she was a sweet lady. No mother would feel failed by her son especially if said son tried his best to honour her memory. But drinking won't help ease the nerves, in fact, it would increase the chances of you flopping. So don't worry too much about it, and just go say what you've practiced on that stage alright?"

Thuso looked at me, an indecipherable look in his eyes. In the dark, with only the moonlight to guide my eyes, Thuso looked like art from this angle. I allowed the moment to pass over us, knowing it was too huge for me to just pass it down or even ignore it. When he smiled, small but all the same genuine, I knew I said the right words.

"Thank you Wawa," he said, using my childhood nickname. When my stomach flipped, I decided not to dwell on it, thankful that Thuso was ready to head back into the event.

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