chapter thirty-five

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Dedicated to Monivah_M

Thuso and I decided enough was enough. With me on holiday from work, and him CEO of his company, meaning he could get off work anytime, any day, we thought it was time we went away for an entire week.

Thuso, bless his heart, gave me all the reigns to pick where we would go, what we would do, and everything else in between. And after much research, I'm a true teacher at heart, research is what I'm great at, I found this magical (because there was no word that could truly do it justice) place.

It was in Kitalo, a small east African country nestled between Malawi and Tanzania. Musomi, one of the biggest cities in the country and its biggest tourist attraction, was the perfect balance between nature and urban living, with several kinds of things you could get up to all around the city.

It sounded like the perfect place for an escape, and the pictures of it on the internet were too beautiful to pass up the opportunity. After seeing what one could get up to there, I was more than ready to go, hoping this would meet the purpose of why we were going there in the first place. March was a hard month. Thuso slipped in and out of a dark place, luckily, I was with him through all the tightropes, and we made it out eventually, which was why I wanted to start April on a good note.

"Are you sure you loaded everything up?" I ask him.

"Of course babe, I made sure I ticked everything off of the checklist you made. And if I did somehow forget something, I'll buy it for you in Musomi." I rolled my eyes at the last part. My husband was a humble man for the most part, but he had these moments when he'd reveal that he came from money.

"You better hope that you didn't," I warned and he just pulled me to him and I landed on his hard chest with a huff, the impact knocking the breath out of me.

"Just relax Wawa. You need to set the mood right for yourself for this trip, starting now." I relaxed my shoulders. He was right.

"I'm chilled babe. Now can we go?" We got into the back of the Maybach, his driver taking us to the airport. We were supposed to land at 6 pm in Musomi, meaning our flight was going to be for three hours.

We were of course using the private jet, Thuso refused to fly commercial, which I didn't mind, the comfort of our own private plane was exhilarating, besides, there was a lot a couple could do in 3 hours, and I planned to get into all that with Thuso, who had been eyeing me like I was a snack the entire day. It might be because of my new hair, one thing about golden braids on me? I'd be turning heads wherever I went, and not even on a conceited wave.

Best believe I lived up to all the things I wanted to do, and Thuso was very compliant. In fact, he was the initiator, I was planning for us to settle in first but sometimes, there's this look Thuso gave me, and then when it was followed by a fiery kiss, my body became his to take, and girl did he take! I was a willing giver, so it worked out for both our good.

As expected, we touched down in Musomi at 6 pm and were greeted by beautiful peach coloured skies as the sun made a slow descent over vibrant green mountains in the far distance. The sun set here was too beautiful, I was such a sucker for scenic views like this, and as we walked off the tarmac and into Musomi International Airport, the atmosphere all around us was calm and freeing, and I felt the tension of the past few weeks slowly dissipate, further cementing the fact that this was the perfect place to be.

"Everything here is so beautiful, I was a bit skeptical when I left all reigns to you for this trip, but so far, I'm impressed," Thuso said with a smile.

"Ye of little faith. I'm glad that you were though, this just gives me the chance to continue to wow you. Wait till you see the resort we will be staying at," I said with a smile of my own.

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