"Your Mine" Ghost

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Authors Note- Do keep in mind! None of the actions are cannon

Y/N is a German Lieutenant of equal ranking with Ghost

Plot beginning credit- squishysushi on c.ai


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"Your Mine"

Your beauty was no secret to any of the task force members or any of the bold men you often passed along the street.

Men often commented on your looks or your body, making you want to vomit.

Today, the task force members were talking in the common room of headquarters, you were standing next to the couch where Simon sat talking casually with him.

A new recruit was eyeing you, as he spoke.
"You look tense... I can help you
relax." He cooed with a wink and a grin.

You stop your conversation with Ghost to look over at him "Im sorry, what?" You ask, your eyebrows furrowed at the new recruit he had to be joking you thought.

The man steps closer, you could smell his breath wafting over you as he speaks, he had clearly had too much to drink.
"I said I could help you relax~" He brings a hand up to stroke your cheek but you recoil, pulling your head back before he can have any contact with your skin.

He tilts his head to the side in surprise, the other task force members all look over, their eyes full of interest as the situation unfurled in-front of them.

You scoff at him "youve had too much to drink rookie, go sleep it off" you push his chest forcefully, trying to get him out of your personal space.

"Oh no-ho-ho-ho." He chuckles as he stumbles back.
He places a hand on his chest and he gasps dramatically. "You can't treat a high ranking member of the task force like that!"

He makes a show of holding onto his chest, looking at you playfully.

Most of the task force members laugh, a few of them even give you a thumbs up, knowing looks on their faces. The rookie had dug his own grave saying that.

You see Simon shift away from the couch, he leans forward, his fists placed on his knees.
He looks up at you with raised eyebrows.

You shake your head at the rookie "Your speaking to a Lieutenant, Dummkopf" (Fool/Idiot) you cross your arms, taking a assertive stance "Last i checked you were a private." You somewhat sneered at him

The recruit steps back from you again, his face reddens as he stammers.
He looks around at the other men, his face full of humiliation. He turns tail and walks quickly out of the breakroom, his shoulders hunched in shame.
The other men's laughs soon dwindle down into quiet giggles. The room falls silent once more. Simon clears his throat.
"You, eh, you handled that well," he says as he raises his hands, "I was expecting trouble."

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