"Slippery Little Minx" Price

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Fluff chapter here, needed a break from all the hot n steamy chapters ive been puttin out (as much as I love to write them and see yalls reactions <3)

Opening plot credit to emzjox on c.ai

💰"Slippery Little Minx"—————————————-

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"Slippery Little Minx"

You'd always been a lightweight, and Price knew that. But after the last mission, everyone needed a remedy. Past the first few drinks, his eyebrows were drawing together and he was reaching out a stern hand keeping track of your liquor intake, but you'd managed to be slippery enough that you now found yourself desperately drunk... and where was Price?

Two powerful arms suddenly slip under your own and before you even think to struggle, you're being guided out into the cold night.

"Slippery little minx." Price grunts as he hauls you outside, lifting you up and onto his shoulder

"Mhnn... nooo..." you whine out as he starts to carry you out to his car, sounding almost like a toddler that didn't want to leave the playground

"That's it. Whine all you like. Just means I'm doing things right." That's Captain Price for you, always right.

He's not exactly gentle as he carries you, although you probably wouldn't even notice him being gentle with how much the world was spinning right now.

No matter how much you wiggle, you're in his grip, and he's got you firmly up over his broad shoulder as he takes you to the car.

You give up about halfway to the car. You hear the soft chime of the vehicle unlocking as he approaches it and you protest drunkenly towards the fact he was making you go home.

"Mmn. No protests. You want to stay out here and freeze? Didn't think so. Come on. Let's get you home." His voice is warm against your ear, his shoulder feeling firm and strong under you. The passenger door opens and he deposits you into the passenger seat.

"Are you going to be sick?" He asks, a little more gently now, leaning against the car door as he scans your face.

"No..." you mutter out, crossing your arms slightly as he buckles your seatbelt.

He doesn't say anything else, just starts the car and pulls into traffic. You feel the bump of him taking a hand off the wheel to pat your knee. His warmth is nice: a lot better than it would have been to have to walk home in your current state at this late hour.

"What on earth did you drink?" He asks you after he grabs your attention by tapping your knee.

You lean your head against the cold window, your eyes heavy "I dunno... Vodka... Whiskey... maybe..." your words fall into drunken gibberish as you try to remember what all you had drank.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk." He turns the car into your apartment's driveway, and you hear the hum of it coming to a stop. "You know you shouldn't mix hard liquors." He opens the passenger door before lifting your chin to look at him.

"Let me see your eyes. Can you look at me?"

It takes a moment but you eventually look at him, your eyes glassy.

"You've had a lot." He sounds amused. "I'll carry you up the stairs."

And with that, you feel strong yet gentle hands hauling you out of the car, the cool night air feeling like it's cutting into your skin all over again.

You grumble out "Nhh.. Cold." Burying your face against his warm chest with a shiver, the dress you wore not doing any favors towards keeping you warm.

"You'll be okay once we're inside." He chuckles

He's got you in an iron grip, hauling you up the stairs and into the apartment. "What were you thinking?" He sounds like a disappointed father.

"I wasnt.. thinkin'.." you mumble as he takes you into the apartment, closing the door behind him with his boot. You suddenly feel the urge to empty the contents of your stomach choking out the word "Bathroom." As you put a hand to your mouth.

"Oh for..." He hauls you down the hallway and towards the bathroom, where he sets you down inside of it. He kneels behind you and takes your hair back, gently rubbing your shoulder with his free hand.

"I asked you if you were gonna be sick didnt I?" Price chides to which you respond by retching into the toilet, emptying your stomach of the multitude of alcoholic beverages you had consumed.

Price sighs, rubbing your back sympathetically while you get the worst of it over with.  

"You really overdid it this time." He shakes his head. "What possessed you to go get this drunk anyways?"

After catching my breath you slowly sit up "Didnt plan on it.. started-" you pause, dry heaving a few times before coughing "-matching drinks with Soap."

"No wonder." Price doesn't sound disappointed anymore, just mildly amused. "You know you're a lightweight. You cant match Soap drink for drink, No wonder you got like this.."

You grumble out in response, resting your head on your arm, your eyes starting to get heavy

"Mm, no. You think you're sleeping on the bathroom floor?" He lifts your head back up. "We're going to bed. C'mon."

He scoops you up, helping you onto your feet, his body surprisingly close. "We'd best at least get you undressed before you pass out."

You mumble as he places you on the bed, not protesting as he starts to undo the straps to your dress, before getting your boots off next.

His hands are gentle as he changes you into a tshirt and shorts, neatly folding your dress and placing it onto a nightstand "There. That better?"

He watches you carefully. "You were almost green in that bathroom. Do you think you can keep it down now?"

"Nun' left." You grumble out, scrunching your eyebrows together, sounding alot like a grumpy child as you curl up on the mattress

"I believe you." Price doesn't sound disappointed. "C'mere."

He pulls you closer, wrapping his arms around you protectively, gently running a hand through your hair.  "I'll make sure nothing happens to you, okay? Now... go to sleep."

You grumble out incoherently in his arms for a moment before curling into him and promptly falling asleep. Your breathing deep and steady as your hands clung to his shirt.

Price chuckles softly and shakes his head "Ive got ya love." He rubs your back soothingly until he himself eventually falls asleep.


1048 words!

Got writers block on the "Cheating Ghost" series, I promise I'm working on a part five its just going slow ash

Till next time lovelies <3

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