"Just a Nightmare" Ghost

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Authors note- really short but I wanted to try and not draw this one out as much

Authors note- really short but I wanted to try and not draw this one out as much

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"Just a Nightmare"

You woke up rather startled, a short scream escaping your lips, a cold sweat enveloping you as the nightmare you had sunk its claws into your mind.  You shook, clutching your legs to your chest as tears fell freely down your face. Gazing over at  the clock on the wall, 02:00. You ran a trembling hand through your hair, another night terror..

Ghost looked quickly over from his spot across the room,  He slowly got up, moving towards you. "Are you alright?" He asked with concern, he placed a hand on your shoulder, his voice was low, but he still spoke gently.

You were both stationed at a small one room safe house, it was a successful mission, you were just waiting until the all clear to move again. Ghost didnt sleep much so he offered to take first watch.

You shake your head "Another night terror" you mumble, shaking violently, not looking at his masked face.

You hear your partner sigh. He pulls out a small, silver box and clicks it open, he then hands you a small pill.
"Take this. It's a low dose sedative. It's meant to help with anxiety, it can make you drowsy." He says gently.

You uncurl slightly, taking the pill from him. "Danke.." you mutter lightly, taking it before looking at him nervously, still clearly shaking "Can you... stay with me..Bitte?" You grabbed his forearm lightly, not wanting to be feel alone.

He notices your shaking, but doesn't seem to mind much. He nods, taking one last step forward before gently sitting down beside you, he reaches out, and brings the blanket back up over your shoulders, resting his free hand lightly on your opposite shoulder, and just stays there, not pushing it further.
"Here for you, whenever you need." He murmurs, as his voice becomes soft and gentle."If you need anything, just let me know." He then adds, with another small smile.

You lean against him, one of your hands gripping the hem of his shirt as you shake, the tears have stopped but the fear still remained. Hovering over you like a dark cloud, effecting your thoughts.

He doesn't speak this time, and just stays by your side, gently holding you close, he keeps one arm wrapped around you, as his hand finds its way to your head as he gently strokes your hair.

You find comfort in the fact that you're with someone who's calm, and who's able to make the situation better.
He doesn't mind the tears or the shaking, he just wants you to feel better.

Your voice shook as you spoke "I was back in that room..." your grip tightening on his shirt "He was there, torturing me all over again.." you squinted your eyes shut, burying your head into his chest "der Teufel" (The Devil) you whimpered fearfully

He falters, his voice still quiet, but his tone now more concerned. "He's gone now." He tells you, his voice soft and calming, his hand gently going from your hair to your cheek, gently rubbing it.

"Don't worry." He murmurs gently  "It'll be okay, he can't hurt you anymore." He says, as he holds you close.

The pill slowly starting to take affect your shaking slowed down, your breathing becoming more even, as your muscles relaxed, still keeping a firm grip on his shirt.

He sighs softly, gently rubbing your back. His hand is firm, but soft, as it continues to rub across your upper back in small, circular motions.

"It'll be okay." He tells you again, his tone calming and reassuring. "I'm here." He murmurs, his other hand still resting lightly on your shoulder.

Slowly starting to drift off you mumble "Danke Geist, mein Freund" (Thank you Ghost, my friend) sleep creeping back up on you.

He tilts his head down, and softly plants a kiss on your forehead, before speaking again, his voice even more calm and soft as you begin to fall asleep.

"Gute Nacht, mein Freund." (Good Night, my friend) He smiles, his hand leaving your shoulder, but still staying close, as he continues to lightly rub your back. "I'll be here, if you need me." He says lightly as you sleep in his arms.


Told you it would be short, only 714 words

Our beloved man Captain Price should be making an appearance soon <3

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