" How much do you want me?" Ghost

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Plot credit- buugaa on c.ai

Someone asked for a feral/unhinged Ghost so imma see if I can portray that.

💀"How much do you want me?"——————————

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"How much do you want me?"

You and Ghost had been married for a year now, together for six already. It was early evening, you had sent Ghost to the grocery store for dinner supplies.

When he got back you were cleaning, and for some reason Ghost liked it. a lot.

"Bloody hell.." He cursed under his breath as he set the bags down on the table, looking over you silently he absolutely loved it when you wore that sundress. He really wants you, but he can't bring himself to bother your focused state.

Not hearing him you continue to go about cleaning up the kitchen, putting away clean dishes one at a time to avoid accidentally dropping any of them.

Ghost sneaks up on you, wrapping his arms around you from behind. Before you can react he's kissing your neck, the smell of spice and dark vanilla seeps into your nose as his lips move softly across your skin.

"Hello there beautiful..." he whispers, his deep gravelly British accent sending small shivers down your spine.

You let out a small squeak of surprise, before humming out softly and leaning back against him slightly "Hey you... you got back quicker than I thought you would."

Ghost runs his hands through your hair, looking over your shoulder at the progress you've made with cleaning.

"Aye, no queue at the store today... so I figured I'd try and get some lovin' from my wife." He teases, the smirk on his face growing.

You chuckle "Your British is showing.." You tease lightly, your hands resting on his forearms lightly

"Aye, you like it though." He says, his accent turning thick with his growing arousal. Ghost leans in and kisses you on the neck again, sliding his hand down your stomach before moving around squeezing your rear.

"Mhn..." you press back into him "Your not wrong.."

His hot breath on your neck makes you tingle, his hands roaming freely and his breath tickling your ears as he leans in close.

"Why don't we go upstairs then...?" he whispers into your ear before kissing your neck seductively.

You sigh out softly "Mmmhhn... but going up the stairs is just too much~" you grind back into him "Why not just right here in the kitchen hm?" Your voice is low and sultry

Ghost chuckles and grins at you, his pupils dilating as he looks you over. Your dress is the perfect length for him to slide it up, just enough for you both to get the fun going without any hassles.

"You want it here, hm? Fine by me..." Ghost's voice is deep and grumbly and his British accent is quite heavy in this moment.

You feel his hands slip under your sundress making you whine out softly as his hands trail past your hips and up your sides before teasing at the soft skin of your stomach, making you squirm back against him.

His hands slide higher, the skin of your abdomen is warm with heat as he gently squeezes and caresses your stomach. Ghost stares down at you hungrily, breathing in your sweet scent and wanting to devour you whole. He plants teasing kisses along your neck and shoulders, his mouth and tongue working magic on your skin. A heavy groan escapes his lips and he pulls at your dress, trying to slide it up further.

You dont protest his movements, letting out a soft moan as you feel his hands trail back down to your hips, tugging at your panties slightly.

"You want me to keep going then?" Ghost asks, his voice deep and his eyes dark. His hands travel along your body, his rough fingers tracing your curves and teasingly moving against your sensitive areas.

He leans in and kisses your neck again, before biting it softly.

"A-ah fuck~" you cant help but whine out as he teases you, your hips grinding into his hand desperately as he pins you against the kitchen counter from behind.

"How much do you want me?" Ghost growls, his accent thick and his words rough with his gravelly voice.

"How badly do you want me to take you, love?" He says, his grasp tightening on your hips as you grind back against him.

You blush hard, letting out a shaky breath "Badly... Please Baby~" you whine out, shifting to where your legs were parted for him as you leaned forwards onto the counter

Ghost laughs at your blush and shakes his head, his fingers squeezing your thighs with one hand as his lips kiss your neck and shoulders over and over again. His free hand slowly slides down your stomach, teasing the bottom of your thong before quickly pulling it to the side.

"Are you sure you're ready for this?" He whispers into your ear, his voice dark and his accent just as thick. He bites your neck and you can hear the growl in his breath.

"I need it please~" you whine out

"You need what?" Ghost asks, his voice a rough whisper. His free hand travels upwards, gently squeezing your breast as his other arm wraps around you and he whispers in your ear.

"You need me, love? Hm?"
He kisses your neck, his teeth gently gnawing where they meet your skin. The touch of his hands is hot, your mind going blank and all thoughts of protest leaving.

You whine out "Yes baby, please~" you cant help but squirm back against him, making him groan out.

You could hear him undo his jeans "So be it." He speaks lowly in your ear before slipping inside you forcefully making you suck in a breath and whine out.

"Mhnn yes thats a good girl~" he groans out as he moves roughly, hitting your g-spot repeatedly making you whine out from the overstimulation.

His right hand held your hip roughly while his left held the nape of your neck, making you bend further over the counter, pressing your ass back into him.

He sounds almost animalistic as he groans out, pounding into you relentlessly. You grip the edge of the counter, your whines turning to desperate moans as you adjust to his size.

"Theres a good girl, I feel you getting there." He growls into your ear as he adjusts his angle, now pushing you quickly to your orgasm.

"F-f-fuck Simon~" you stammer out breathlessly as your orgasm starts to rip through you, he feels the change and speeds up, chasing his own climax as you ride out your own.

He eventually slows, pulsating inside you as he pants, his face against the back of your neck.

He kisses your neck a few times "Your such a good girl, you came so hard for me.." he purrs into your ear.


1142 words!

Plot ideas are still welcome lovelies!

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