"Such a pretty little thing~" Price

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"Such a pretty little thing~"


Price was home for the holidays and you were both out at the mall doing some holiday shopping.
Throughout the day you teased him lightly, whispering naughty things in his ear and running your hands along his lower stomach whenever he wasn't paying attention.
Making sure to stay in public places so that he couldn't do anything in return, only making his frustration grow.
A few hours later you both returned home, you slipped out of your jacket, hanging it up on the wall with a soft sigh, dropping the car keys on their designated hook as you had driven home to make sure that he wouldn't be able tease you from the drivers seat.

He followed you in, not being able to hold himself back anymore, he placed his hands on your waist and pulled you into him from behind as soon as you turned to head to the living room, whispering in your ear "I've been waiting for this all day long~" his voice a low husky grumble in your ear.

You hum pressing back into him "Have you now?" You reach a hand up to play with his hair as he tucked his head into the crook of your neck.

"Oh, oh yes and I'm pretty sure you know it" Price whispered as he leaned into you. Giving a soft chuckle as your hand played through his hair.

"Mmm.. Im not sure what your talking about love.." you feign innocence as you close your eyes, leaning your head against his chest

"Are you playing innocent with me now, sweetheart?" He whispered in your ear softly as he kissed your neck and tightened his grip on your waist slightly "You weren't when we were at the mall.." he hums into your ear before planting more kisses.

You whined slightly at the teasing kisses, he knew exactly what buttons to push. Letting out a small shaky breath you replied "Still dont know what your talking about.." you teased keeping your eyes closed as your hand somewhat tightened in his hair.

One of his hands started to wander downwards, drawing light circles on your stomach as he smirked "I'll have to remind you then darling..." he spoke soft as his hand slipped in between your thighs earning a small whimper from you as you tried not to make a sound, considering you were right next to the apartment door.

He chuckled as he nipped lightly at your neck, slowly palming you, enjoying the whimpers and whines that left your lips. "Remember now naughty girl?" He slightly growled into your ear as your hips rocked against his hand.

He had you wrapped around his finger, no doubt. You let out a shaky yes, pressed back into his hard on, your hand gripping his hair firmly, effectively pulling him further into you.

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