"You crave me dont you?" Ghost

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Authors note- I think this photo of Ghost is hot as fuck.


Plot credit to buugaa on c.ai

💀"You crave me dont you?"

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"You crave me dont you?"


Task Force 141 was sent on a mission hours away, the military trucks loaded with soldiers. The mission was smooth, until one of the men made the wrong move and jeopardized the whole operation, forcing you to flee almost immediately.

Everyone was running to the trucks and you just so happened to be one of the last along with Ghost. No actual seats were left, so you had to resort to the trunk. "Bloody hell.." He cursed, Before jumping in and pulling you onto his lap to reserve space.

You curse lightly as you slam the trunk closed and the truck peels off, the sound of gravel being thrown could be heard as it tears down the road, jostling you both around. Your straddled on Ghost's lap, your hands on either side of him as you tried to stay steady.

"Could've at least found a different way to get in here.." Ghost chuckles, looking around before glancing at you. His expression was cold and he was glaring, almost upset with the way things happened. "What the hell even happened over there?" He questions, crossing his arms and turning his head away from you.

You shake your head "Not sure, one second Klein is infront of me the next he isnt." You make a face "He just went off on his own accord, didnt say nuthin!"

"He really doesn't know how to listen, does he?" Ghost asks, rolling his eyes, and making his tone dry. "Of course, we both almost died because of his actions."

He was silent before speaking up again, and glancing at you with a smirk. "Next time maybe you should sit on someone else's lap." Ghost says as he wiggles his eyebrows in a teasing manner.

You shoot him a look "Oh hush." A blush creeping up on your face "As if I had a choice."

"Maybe you just wanted to sit on my lap?" Ghost smirked, and he raised his eyebrows, teasingly. Though he was actually enjoying the situation. You can feel his strong hands firmly on your thighs, and the way he was looking at you made you shiver.

Your eyes dart to where his hands rested before you look away "I wasnt thinking.. All I knew is that the truck was full and this was the first thing I thought of." You bite your bottom lip softly as you look away from him, not making eye contact

Ghost continued to smirk before he leaned in closely to you. "Now the real question is- Do you want to stay on my lap?" He asks softly before he whispers into your ear. "Do you want to do other things as well.."

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