"Look at my pretty lady..." Soap

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As requested, A lil Johnny Boy chapter

As requested, A lil Johnny Boy chapter

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"Look at my pretty lady..."

You laid in the dimmed bedroom, reading a good book. It seemed perfect for a rainy day like this.

Soap suddenly trudges in, having kicked off his shoes by the front door, he was soaked from the rain and shivering like a wet dog.

"Steamin' Jesus.. its bloody pourin' out here!" He huffed, shaking the water off before casually crawling onto the bed and flopping ontop of you, burying his face in your stomach.

"Ah! God Johnny! Your cold!" You giggle out

"Aw c'mon, it was just wee bit a rain, y/n. Plus, ya know I gotta be by my lady's side whenever she's readin'.."

Soap nuzzled his face into your body, his voice quivering as the cold of the rain soaked into him.

"Mhn.. fine then.. go get a towel and dry yourself will ya? Your freezing." You chuckle as you sit up slightly

Soap huffed and groaned as he rolled off, sliding off the bed and making a loud thud as he got up.

Soap shuffled over to the bathroom, and after a minute, his footsteps could be heard as he emerged from the bathroom, Now wearing just his jeans.

"There, all dry... Can I come back under the blanket?" Soap asked in a flirty tone, giving you puppy dog eyes and a smile.

You chuckle and lift the blankets "Hurry up before I change my mind." You hum as you look at your book.

Soap grinned and immediately jumped back into bed, nuzzling into your side. He took deep breaths as he enjoyed your warmth.

Soap looked at the book in your hand. "What are ya readin'?" He asked as he tightened his arms around you slightly

Your nails trail along his back as he laid against you "Just a horror book, called "It's Not Real.".. Its about a woman who's plagued by the memory of her kidnapper while her husband is away."

Soap chuckled. "Sounds like a right old thriller. How is it?" He asked, wrapping one arm tightly around your waist, the other resting on your thigh and squeezing it softly.

"Im liking it.. every time I think the Kidnapper is there it's just her mind playing tricks on her." You hum as you turn the page, not seeming to notice where his hand had traveled to.

"Oh, just her mind playin' tricks?" He said, his hand still on your thigh.

Soap's fingertips lightly traced circles as he spoke, occasionally squeezing your thigh again. "Maybe it was actually the kidnapper this time..." His tone was teasing, and a bit flirtatious.

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