"My favorite girl." Keegan

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Plot credit to ilyiimv on C.ai

Little Keegan fluff while I work on ideas for a steamy for him and another Konig, enjoy <3

Little Keegan fluff while I work on ideas for a steamy for him and another Konig, enjoy <3

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"My favorite girl."

You're pulling up outside a bar in the middle of the night growing more concerned by the minute.

Keegan had gotten shitfaced after a rough day and couldn't drive himself home, the captain had called when he had a soldier text him about Keegan's condition.

As you step through the doors his eyes find you almost immediately and he grins.

"There she is, my favourite girl."
He mutters slurring his words as he takes another swig of his beer, resting his elbows against the counter.

"Cap send you?" He asked, his grin fading as quickly as it came.

"Yes he did." You hum softly as you approach him "He knew I'd be the only one you'd listen to."

"And why would I listen to you exactly?" He asked, his speech slurred to the point where you can barely understand him.

You furrow your eyebrows at him slightly "Considering im your wife id hope you would."

Keegan sets down his beer, his eyes snapping to you quickly, a confused look on his face
"We're married?" He asked, his brow furrowing.

You stifle back a giggle at his confusion before speaking "Yes love we are.." theres an amused look on your face as your hold out your left hand, the ring glinting in the bar light.

A big goofy grin spreads across Keegan's face as he looks down at your ring and then back at you. Getting up he wraps his arms around you, crushing you into a hug.

"Sweet mama'sita..." He mumbled drunkenly as he buried his head in the crook of your neck, breathing in your scent.

You giggle softly "C'mon big man, lets get you in the car, yeah?" You start to guide him out of the bar to the awaiting car outside

Keegan wraps his arm tightly around you and follows you out the door, grinning like a schoolboy the entire time.
"You're so pretty..." He mutters, his eyes fixated on you.

You ease him into the passenger seat "Mhn.. thank you." A smile tugs at your lips

Keegan leans back in his seat, still grinning wildly at you before his face falls and he sighs heavily.

"I'm so tired... Can I crash at your place for the night?"He asked, his eyes narrowing in concentration.

"Please?" He added. He was just a big, drunk, adorable child at this point.

You have to try not to laugh at his words as you buckle his seatbelt for him "We live together babe, on post housing remember?" You chide softly gazing down at him from the open door of the car.

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