"Can you take away the fear?" Konig

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Authors note- A short Konig fluff, taking a short break from the naughty stuff

Authors note- A short Konig fluff, taking a short break from the naughty stuff

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"Can you take away the fear?"

It was a quiet evening. Until König came to your room, on the verge of tears as he trembled. He'd explained that he had a nightmare and wanted someone to be with at the moment..

Setting down your book, you opened your arms, inviting him in for a hug from your bed "Aw, Süßer Junge, come here~" (Sweet Boy) you spoke softly

König hesitantly approached you before he hugged you tightly while sobbing. "Bitte... Bleib' bei mir. Ich brauch' dich jetzt." (Please, Stay with me. I need you)

You hum softly "Of course Liebling, Im right here" you ran your nails up and down his spine soothingly as he lay against you, his body trembling madly

His eyes closed and he let out deep breaths. "Kannst du die Angst wegnehmen?" (Can you take away the fear?) He asked as he shook, this wasn't the first nightmare you've comforted him through

You hum, gazing down at his ruffled mask, It was clear that he had put it on quickly, most likely just to cross the hall into your room. Lifting his chin so that he looked up at you "I can try." You kiss him delicately, hoping it would distract his mind from the nightmare

König kissed you back, letting the warmth of your kiss ease his mind and melt away the worries and fears. His anxiety and panic quickly subsided, but he still had a shaky feeling. "Danke schön..." (thank you love) he whispered as he nuzzled into your chest

You hum, drawing circles on his back "Dont worry, Liebling, Im not going anywhere" you give him a gentle squeeze

König hugged you again and sighed deeply. "Du bist sehr lieb und saß, meine Schatz. You're so good to me." (You are very sweet my darling)

You kissed the top of his head "Get some rest Love, you need it" you run your hand soothingly up and down his spine.

König relaxed into you, letting your comfort soothe him into a deep sleep. He was deeply asleep now, and wasn't going to wake up anytime soon.

You smile softly leaning back into the headboard "Sleep well my love.."

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