"Tease.." Konig

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This idea came to me at roughly 3am when I woke up out of nowhere, so I slammed a rough draft into wattpad.

then came back and edited it when I was actually Lucid.

Hope you loves enjoy!

(Side note: I think Konig has beautiful eyes, I'm a sucker for dem baby blues 😍)

(Side note: I think Konig has beautiful eyes, I'm a sucker for dem baby blues 😍)

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"Tease.." Konig

You quietly lounged in Konig's home office, he was working on paperwork at his desk whilst you were laying on your back on a lounge chair at the left side of the room from him.

You wanted to spend time with him but he had important paperwork to take care of, so you settled for just being in the same room as him, listening to his pen write along the papers along with him typing on his laptop every now and then.

You scrolled idly through your phone, flipping through different social media apps before giving a small huff of boredom and rolling over onto your stomach.

You feel his eyes on you briefly before a chuckle escapes him "Are you bored little one?" He questions as he writes.

"Mhn. Ive been on my phone long enough that everything on it has lost my interest for the time being.." your reply as you set your phone down and slump down onto the chair completely, your back to him.

You hear him shift in his office chair slightly as he chuckles before the sound of him writing continues.

You shift, pulling one of your legs up as you lay on your stomach, a comfortable position, taking one of the throw pillows and pulling it to your chest with a content sigh, figuring you'd opt out for a nap.

The sound of his writing slows and then stops, you could feel his eyes trailing over you "Tease.." a small grumble comes from him, you could barely make out the word.

You look back over your shoulder at him, he's writing again, his eyes on his desk. "What did you say love?" you chime softly

"Oh nothing, dear..." The pen scratches to a stop.

"Mmm actually, come here, I could use your help with something." He moves his chair away from his desk slightly.

You get up, moving to his side of the desk "Something with the paperwork?" You ask softly, your focus on what he was filling out, only to suddenly be pulled into his lap with a surprised squeak, your back pressed against his chest.

Konig chuckles, kissing your neck softly as you land in his lap. "Mmm, no." He grumbled.

"But you can help me with... something else." He alludes as he starts to unbutton your shirt.

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