"Im better than any sleeping pill." Keegan

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Told y'all id get a Keegan chapter!

As promised here you go <3

☠️"Im better than any sleeping pill

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"Im better than any sleeping pill."

It had been a long exhausting day, having gone to bed with Keegan as per usual when he was on leave. You wake up several times in the night, jumping slightly when he suddenly snakes a hand around you from behind. "Hey.. your alright, its just me Sugar.." he purrs softly in your ear "You alright Honey?"

you nod softly "Just having trouble sleeping." you hands trail along his forearms as he hugs you from behind

His body is warm and you are beginning to feel less tense.

A gentle smile spreads on his face as he nuzzles your neck. "I know what you need, beautiful." Keegan murmurs softly, kissing your shoulder.

"Hmm?" You ask softly, enjoying the way he pulled you close to him.

Keegan pulls you back flush against him, his warm body pressed against your back.

"Me." He whispers while nibbling your neck. You shudder with pleasure in response, and he chuckles.
"See? I'm better than any sleeping pill."

This earns a soft giggle from you and you roll over to face him cupping his face, gazing at his soft blue eyes in the dim light of the bedroom. "Mhn.. Fair point.."

"See... I'm a genius." He kisses your forehead before his hands slide under your shirt. You gasp his hands somewhat cold against your bare skin.

Keegan looks at you with a naughty smile
"I wonder what else can help you relax, hm?"

You hum out softly as his hands slip up your shirt to your breasts, gently teasing at them. Your eyes fluttering as you respond, a slight whine in your voice "Quite the opposite there love.."

Keegan chuckles in response "Well then I'll just have to make you tired wont I?" He teases as his hands leave your breasts and free you of your shirt, it being thrown somewhere off into the bedroom.

"Let me worship this sexy body hm?" He purrs softly in your ear before moving to where he could kiss your neck, his right sliding up your side before finding your breasts again, pinching and pulling at your nipples teasingly.

You squirm under his touch, earning soft chuckles from him at your reactions "M-mhn... I love how sensitive you are.." Keegan somewhat growls as he moves his head to your breasts "Especially right... here." He says as he takes one of your nipples into his mouth making you jump and gasp out from the sudden sensation.

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