"Morning my little lass" Soap

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Told y'all id get down to the fun stuff with johnny boy eventually <3

Told y'all id get down to the fun stuff with johnny boy eventually <3

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"Morning my little lass"

You wake slowly, John's soft snoring coming into focus. You look over at the clock, 2am?? You let out a soft sigh, rolling over onto your side, your back towards John.

After a few seconds you feel his muscular arm snake around you and pull you back into him with a grumble. Earning a small squeak from you.

He chuckles sleepily, kissing along the back of your neck and shoulders, a hand finding one of your breasts and pinching at your nipple, earning a shaky intake of breath from you.

You can feel him smile against your skin "Mornin' my little lass." His voice is husky, as he plays with your breasts teasingly, making you squirm against him.

He lets out a soft groan as your press against his hard on, you feel him rid himself of his boxers before slipping the hand that was teasing your breasts down between your thighs, circling your clit slowly.

You cant help but moan out as he does so, earning a low groan of satisfaction from him "Mhn.. Such a pretty voice~" He speaks lowly in your ear before kissing your neck again.

You cant help but buck your hips into his hand, soft whines escaping your lips as he pleasured you.

John groans out softly as he increases the speed of his circles "Oh I love how you react to me baby.."

Your voice catches in your throat as the pleasure racks throughout your body, John keeps on kissing along the back of your shoulders and neck softly.

Your orgasm comes quickly, earning a satisfied groan from John as he pulled you closer to him, teasing your entrance with the head of his cock.

"Such a good little lass hm?" He praises in your ear as he slowly fills you, making you whine out from the feeling.

"Mhn fuck yes~ such a good girl~" He groans out as he begins to move, a hand on your hip while the other snakes around and holds your neck, putting just enough pressure to make you squirm against him.

"J-john~" You breathe out shakily as your soft moans fill the room. John groans out softly in your ear before biting your shoulder lightly in an attempt to keep himself quiet as he speeds up making you whimper from the increase of pleasure.

He feels you tighten around him, his body responding by getting more desperate, his thrust increasing in pace "Mhmmnn~ Yes thats my girl~" he groans huskily in your ear as he brings you closer to your orgasm.

Your moans start to turn desperate as you feel your orgasm approaching "B-baby please don't stop~" you say breathlessly "I-I'm gonna- Ahnn~"

John lets out a satisfied sound "Go ahead babygirl~"

At his words your tighten around him, your orgasm ripping through your body as he continued to thrust through it, earning sensitive whines from you as he reaches his own climax, burying himself deep in you as he groans out.

Eventually you both relax, John kisses along your shoulders "Such a pretty little lady~" he coos softly "My little lass." His tone is loving.


540 words

Ik it was short, gonna be bringing in more Soap One shots, just gotta come up with more plots.

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