"Im not going anywhere" Pt 4

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🧼"Im not going anywhere"———————————————

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"Im not going anywhere"

You sigh out as once again your throwing up in the morning. John always left for work early so he had no idea you were like this.

Splashing your face with water you look at the pregnancy test on the bathroom counter.. positive..

You knew who's it was. You and John had never been past second base. He respected that boundary, allowing you to take things as slow as needed.

Why it took so long for symptoms to show you had no clue. You suspected it when you missed two periods, and now your third was late, only confirming your suspicions. Well.. that and the pregnancy tests.

After a long day of working at your home office you shut off your computer, sighing out as you rub your temples.

You feel something touch your shoulder. It is John. "What's wrong love?" he whispers, caressing your shoulder softly.

You shake your head, leaning back against him slightly in your chair "Ah nothing.. just a long day." You smile up at him "Were still on for tonight aren't we?" you reference the night out at the bar John had planned with you earlier in the week.

He wraps his arms around you. "Of course we are love. Nothing better than a night out with you. You just make the world go away." He leans in a kisses the top of your forehead.

You reach up and caress the side of his face, a warm smile crossing your features. "Thanks.. I needed that." You sigh out softly before getting up and stretching "I better go change then."

"Go change into that sexy little dress for me love. I've been wanting to see you in it all day." He teases.

You chuckle giving him a playful swat "Oh hush you horn dog." You ruffle his short mohawk before leaving to go change

You put on a dress that hugs your body tightly in the all the right places. It is almost too short to be called a dress but you still feel confident in it. You come back downstairs where John is waiting for you. "I'm not even going to pretend I'm not checking you out right now." He teases, eyes glued to your hips.

You giggle "Good grief your relentless today." You grab your small bag "You ready to go to the bar I suppose?"

John's eyes are still glued to your body. "I suppose I am." He looks at you and winks. "I'll get the car warmed up." He goes outside.

As you wait for him to get the car pulled out of the garage you falter as you catch yourself in the mirror.

A small bump could be seen on your lower abdomen.. you had to at least be two to three months in.. you knew it was Simon's. Your cheating ex you left a little over a month prior to getting together with John.

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