"Bed. Now." Konig

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Welcome back to another early morning writing shesh lovelies, it isn't bright enough to start my motorcycle ride yet so here I am.

Welcome back to another early morning writing shesh lovelies, it isn't bright enough to start my motorcycle ride yet so here I am

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Opening Plot credit goes to @violcntdelights on c.ai


Thump. Thump. Th - Thump.

A knock on the door causes König to turn towards it. Hearing the voice of Horangi on the other side.

His eyes flicker towards you, a gentle movement to press you against the wall just beside the doorframe. His hand closing around your mouth as he opens the door.

"Horangi? Everything okay?"

Horangi launching into a discussion for a training session in the morning. Your lips tugging into a smile as you watch König try and maintain their professionalism after what had transpired just moments before he knocked.

Taking one of your hands you lightly trace along his forearm in the darkness of his barracks room, hidden from his coworker. Teasing eyes gazing at him from where he had you pinned and muffled.

As his eyes met yours and he watched you try to hold back a giggle under his hand. He gave you a playful glare, squeezing his hand around your mouth slightly to emphasize his displeasure. His body shifting subtly to block any view of you the best he could from the hallway. It had been far too long since your antics had caused such a reaction, and you could practically hear his thoughts as he listened to Horangi ramble on.

You take your hand, moving it into your own shirt to play with your breasts, teasing him even as he spoke with his coworker.

König's gaze shifted from you back to the hallway, Horangi carrying on about needing him to be sure to wake up early.

He couldn't focus, his thoughts drifting to your hand shifting your shirt out of the way. The cool air on your exposed skin, the goosebumps that would grow on them. All of it made this situation more amusing in your opinion. Especially watching him try to hide the shift of his jaw, and how he cleared his throat as your fingers explored. Watching you from his peripheral vision.

You tilt your head back, letting your eyes flutter closed as you run your hand down your stomach and into your pants letting out a small sigh into his hand that muffled you.

He's losing his patience, he knows you're teasing him. And after an exhausting day, all he wants to do is finish talking to Horangi and take you against his bed the way he wants to so badly.

"Yes, Horangi. I'll make sure to wake up early. I'll let you know if anything changes." Shutting the door after a few more sentences, he lets go of your mouth and turns to you.

"Bed. Now." He commands and you startle slightly at his voice before backing up slowly towards the bed "Yes sir~"

König's hands reach for your hips as you back towards his bed, he can't help but smirk as he speaks.

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⏰ Last updated: May 06 ⏰

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