"Who do these pretty thighs belong to?~" Konig

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Figured It was about time I gave y'all some much needed attention..

Ik Ive been neglecting my poor nsfw readers by working on my "It's not real.." Story

So heres a treat lovelies <3

🇦🇹"Who do these pretty thighs belong to?~"——————————

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"Who do these pretty thighs belong to?~"

Having come home late once more you yawn, mentally exhausted from your work.

Slipping out of your shoes you make your way to the kitchen pouring yourself a glass of wine before leaning forward against the counter top.

Suddenly strong hands wrap around you and warm lips press against the back of your neck making you jump slightly before relaxing back against him as he spoke in a low tone in your ear "What took you so long tonight my little love?"

"Mhn.. had to stay late to finish a report.." you reply as you rest your head back against him

"Really? I thought that you said you would be done by 4..~"  he chuckles mischievously at your response.

"I wish.. boss gave me a last minute packet to go over." You reply softly as you take a sip of wine, lovingly running one of your hands along his forearms that were wrapped around you firmly.

"Awww, I'm sorry love.." He hums as he takes the wine glass out of your hand, placing it down on the counter.

"I think you deserve a little something...~" he mutters with a smirk, slowly inching his hips against you in a slow, grinding rhythm.

Konig kisses your neck, as you begin to press back into him with a hum of arousal. "That's right.. come to daddy~" he whispers in, a low, hoarse, and dominant voice.

Your startled suddenly as he quickly turns you around and lifts you up onto the counter top, knocking the wine glass into the sink in the process of it.

Konig chuckles and presses himself in between your thighs firmly "Look at me baby~" he says in the same, rough, and dominant voice, "Look at me. What is our safe word?~"

"R-red.." you say softly, squirming in his grasp slightly.

Konig smirks as you give the safe word, his grip on your waist still strong. "I like to hear that.. because I'm not going to stop until you beg me to..~" he hisses into your ear.

He quickly removes your shirt, likely ripping it in the process, before unhooking your bra in one swift move as he kisses your neck, trailing down towards your now exposed breasts.

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