"I wouldnt have it any other way." Prt 5

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This was requested, purely fluff here

This was requested, purely fluff here

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"I wouldn't have it any other way."

You moved about the kitchen quietly, it was Friday night, John was due to be home any minute now.

Suddenly the baby monitor on the counter crackles to life as your daughter starts to cry out for a feeding. She was like clockwork, every three to four hours she'd cry out for either a feeding, change, or both.

Washing your hands breifly before going to your room you hum softly to yourself "Mamas coming baby girl, hold on"

Upon rounding the corner you daughters cries had quieted to soft mewls and as you enter the doorway to her nursery you see John cradling her gently, cooing softly to her. "Yer alright little lass, daddy's gotcha."

She held one of his left hand's ring finger tightly in a small hand, the glint of his wedding band catching your eye, making you twirl your own subconsciously, a soft smile tugging at your lips.

"Yeah.. yer alright. Daddy wont let anything get to ya my little flower." He coos

H/N's starts to get fussy again and John chuckles "Alright, I know, you need the milk bar." He turns, most likely to go find you but your already standing in the door way, making him blush hard when he realizes you've been there for a few moments now.

"How much of that did you hear?" He asks, his cheeks now painted a bright pink

You smile "Enough to know that I chose correctly."

John chuckles "I dont care if she's not mine by blood.. she's still my daughter. Through and Through." He states as he gently transfers her small form over to you.

H/N starts to fuss again but quickly quiets down when you offer her the ability to nurse, suckling quietly on your breast, now easing the ache that you were starting to feel in your bosom.

John moves to stand behind you, wrapping his arms around your waist and pressing a few kisses to the nape of your neck before resting his chin on your shoulder. "I wouldn't have it any other way." He muses softly

You hum, leaning back against him slightly as H/N nursed contently, enjoying the tender moment between the three of you.

John had shown nothing but love towards your daughter since she was born, the first time he held her in the hospital he cried, Almost never letting her out of his sight for the first few weeks after you had brought her home.

It wouldnt be too much of a surprise if she said "Dada." As her first word, You smiled at the thought.

John gently pulls away "You still working on chores down stairs love?" To which you nod "Mhm, was gonna finish up once she'd fed and put down for the evening."

John shakes his head before kissing you sweetly "No need, I'll finish the cleaning alright? You look like you need a good nap."

He was right, you were strung out between your at home office job, cleaning the house, and caring for your almost one month old daughter. A nap did sound pleasant.

"Mhn.. well if you wouldnt mind it.." you start but John cuts you off, a loving tone in his voice

"I wouldnt ever mind if it meant I could help my loving wife." He runs a hand through your hair "Besides, you've earned a break."

John leaves to finish the household chores, by the sounds of it he was starting the laundry that you were about to do.

You finish up with H/N, putting her down for the evening.

She'd likely start to cry out again between nine and ten, you had made sure to keep a schedule so that she would sleep until close to three in the morning before waking either you or John to be cared for.

You lay down on the couch with a sigh, laying back onto the cushions that seemed to envelope you. It felt nice to relax for once. You were glad John offered to finish up the chores, you really did need this.

After roughly two hours John joins you on the couch, cuddling up with you with a low grumble of affection. "Hi M'love." He purrs as you settle into his arms

Feeling his firm arms around you was comforting, his heart beat steady in his chest as it rose and fell with each breath he took.

"Thank you.." you mumble against him to which he chuckles lightly and kisses the top of your head "Anything for you my darlin'."

He runs a hand along your back and you tense slightly as he finds a sore spot "Aw, love, your so tense.." he muses softly, starting to massage out the knots in your back, making you groan against his chest.

He chuckles lightly, continuing to ease the tension out of your back and shoulders, making you hum out against him at the relief he was providing.

You stay like that for hours, laying against his chest as he rubbed your sore muscles, the house quiet save for the occasional sound of a neighbors dog barking outside.

Soap hums a soft tune, an old pub chant more than likely, the beat upbeat yet slow. It was calming, his deep baritone voice rumbling in his chest as he hummed the tune.

You eventually fall into a light nap, waking a few hours later to the baby monitor crackling to life with your daughters soft cries. You go to get up but John shakes his head, untangling himself from you.

"Nuh uh, you stay. I'll take care of our little lass." He kisses you sweetly before getting up, you giggle softly at his tone, smacking his ass lightly as he stands up earning a cheeky grin from him as he stretches. "Mhnn.. your lucky our daughter is calling." He chuckles

You hear him as he climbs the stairs "Im coming baby girl, im coming."

You smile laying back into the couch. With everything that had happened over the past year or so, you honestly wouldn't have it any other way. A loving husband and a beautiful daughter... this really is what happiness is... isnt it?


1039 words

Holy shit idk why my brain refused to come up with ideas for a final chapter to the "Cheating Ghost" series

Honestly I wouldn't mind making another series, their pretty fun to write! What character(s) would y'all want a series on? Not including our walking skull emoji 💀 and scottish boi 🧼 here

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