"Okay... Im awake~" Konig

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Authors note- this one is going to be a fun one to write, enjoy lovelies <3

Authors note- this one is going to be a fun one to write, enjoy lovelies <3

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"Okay... Im awake~"


It was early when you woke, you shifted looking over at the clock 03:13. God. Why did this always happen? You've been consistently waking up extremely early for days now, it was starting to get on your nerves.

Konig mumbled from his place, he had fallen asleep in between your legs, his arms wrapped around your torso as his head rested a little bit below your sternum.

You ruffle his hair lightly "Sorry love, I didn't mean to wake you.." He grumbles in response tightening his grip on you when you move to go leave.

You look down at him "Darling I'm wide awake, I might as well get my day started." He huffs in response, not letting go of you "Not today..." he grumbles his face buried against you.

You chuckle softly, giving up, it was clear that you weren't winning this one. Instead you went and ran your nails up and down his bare back, your other hand caressing the back of his head lightly.

He shuddered against your touch, his back muscles tensing up as you ran your nails over them. You smirk lightly at this, if you were going to be stuck awake in bed then you were at least going to have fun..

You continue to run your nails along his spine, making his shoulders roll and his back arch away from the tickling sensation a small somewhat annoyed whine coming from him as you did so.

You giggle softly, adjusting your hips slightly from underneath him before moving your hands to tease at his sides, making his muscles tense up under your touch.

You could feel that he was beginning to wake up, His body responding more and more to your soft touch as you ran both your hands along his torso, exploring every inch of it.

He groans softly into your upper stomach, you can feel his eyebrows furrow as his arms shift around your waist.

You smile, you had gotten some of attention now, that was for sure, you tilt your head to where you were closer to his ear "Konig~ My darling~" you coo in his ear, your hand slipping to the waistline of his sweatpants teasingly.

He grumbles in response, clearly still half asleep, he hadn't fully realized where your hand had traveled just yet.

A smirk dances across your lips, this was sure to wake him up.. you slip your hand to his stomach and down over his sweatpants, palming him through them.

He immediately tenses up, sucking in a shaky breath as you suddenly give him immense pleasure, his hard on growing quickly in your hand as he groans. "Okay..." he shifts his arms "Im awake~" he almost growls as he gazes up at you, a glint in his now hungry eyes.

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