"We don't have to wait..." Konig Pt 2

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🇦🇹"We dont have to wait

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"We dont have to wait.."

It had been almost a two weeks, you waited patiently for Konig to get home, relaxing on the couch wrapped in a blanket due to the cold weather. The tv was droning on quietly as you halfway watched what was on.

Konig walks through the door, his face instantly lighting up when he sees you on the couch.

The fire is burning in the fireplace and the room is almost warm, only a slight chill if you were to wear less clothing than the time of year called for.

Konig makes his way over to you and sits on the couch beside you before pulling you onto his lap.

When you snuggle up to him, he breathes in deeply and lets a contented "Mmmmmm." escape his lips, a small smile on his face.

You shift to look up at him "How was work love?"

"Work was...work. Can't complain though." he says as he pulls you closer, his arms wrapping around you and squeezing you tight against him.

"How've you been my darling?" he gently asks.

His voice is lower than usual, and there is an extra bit of sweetness to it.

"Mhnnn..." You hum for a moment before shifting to look away from him a bit nervous of what his reaction would be "I uhm.. stopped taking my birth control.."

Konig's face goes through a few changes, he stares at you in slight confusion, then surprise, before it is followed by a bright smile.

He pulls you closer against his chest, wrapping his arms tighter around you body and kissing the top of your head before placing his face against your neck.

"Oh... well... I am.." He pauses, his voice lower in his throat. "I am more than alright with that."

You smile against him, relaxing at his words. You get comfortable again, letting out a content sigh as you soak up his warmth.

Konig hums in response and leans back against the couch. His arms pressing you back firmly against him.

His fingers begin a slow and steady pattern back and forth along your arms, caressing your smooth skin.

"You know..." he says, a soft chuckle leaving his lips. "We don't have to wait..."

You roll over to face him, taking in his devilish smirk. You furrow your eyebrows at him a smile playing on your lips "Oh really?"

"Mmhm." he whispers. "I think we could make you pregnant tonight."

"What do you think?" he asks, leaning in towards you a little closer.

"I think it's a swell idea." he says, his voice low and seductive, the mischief of his eyes turned to a fiery spark, his fingers lightly lifting at the back of your shirt.

You giggle softly "Of course you do " before cupping his face and kissing him softly.

Konig deepens the kiss and slowly adjusts to where he had her pinned beneath him on the couch.

"Let me see that beautiful body of yours hm?." Konig's voice is rough with his need, yet still so gentle as he pulls on your clothing.

A small giggle leaves your lips as you let him remove your shirt first, before lifting your hips for him to pull your sweatpants from your legs.

He growls out softly in approval at the sight, quickly removing his own shirt before kissing down your body, removing your bra as he does so.

He teases your breasts with a hand as he kisses down your stomach, making your stomach muscles twitch in response.

You whine out slightly as he pulls your panties from your body, sliding them down you legs before tossing them off somewhere else in the room, placing your legs on his shoulders before leaving dark hickeys along your inner thighs.

"I want you to remember this for days my darling." He purrs as he marks your skin roughly, making you squirm and whine in his grasp.

"Mn Mm, behave~" he chides as he leaves a few more before hovering over your aching heat gazing up at you for a moment before settling his face between your thighs, his tongue immediately finding your clit and focusing on it.

You gasp out, back arching from the sudden intense pleasure as he sucked on your clit, making you whine and pant.

Your hips rolling against his face makes him growl out slightly and tighten his hold on your thighs.

"M-mhn Konig Ple-please~" you gasp out breathlessly, hips bucking against his face due to your sensitivity, to which he only made worse by slipping two fingers into you. Moving them at a slow yet rough pace, curling them up into your g-spot.

He pulls away to gaze up at your lewd expressions, letting out a satisfied groan at the sight of your arched back and shaking legs, eyes fluttering as you struggled to keep your wits about you.

He throws you into your first of many orgasms, you body trembling as he continued to finger you through your climax, hips snapping up into his palm due to your sensitivity.

Pulling away he licks his fingers clean before pulling you to the middle of the couch and laying you flat, keeping your legs over his shoulders as he freed his length from his jeans with a groan of relief.

"Fuck, your pretty voice has me as hard as steel my love~" he praises as he teases your entrance with the head of his dick, making your squirm and whine.

"Mmhnn..? Is someone needy? You want my dick baby?" He coos as he just barely presses into you as you let out a breathy "Please"

He growls out "Nhnnn gods, im sorry love but I cant help myself any longer..." he suddenly buries himself into you with a groan of satisfaction, enjoying the way you flinch and tighten around him with a yelp.

He leans forwards, keeping your legs on his shoulders, fingers digging into your thighs where they met your hips as he moved with vigor.

"There you go, such a good girl for me ya?" He growls as he slams into you repeatedly, making you moan out and cling to the couch cushions, eyes rolling back in your skull as he hits your cervix repeatedly making the line between pleasure and pain blur.

You're thrown into your second orgasm, but Konig isn't finished with you just yet, before you know it he's pulled out, flipped you over onto your hands and knees, and slammed back into you.

"Oh god, even better~" He growls before smacking your ass, hard. "I can watch that pretty ass of yours bounce with Every. Single. Thrust~"

Your hands were starting to tingle from how hard you were gripping the couch, your moans loud, likely echoing throughout the house.

You could feel the coil in your abdomen starting to tighten once more, Konig had your hips in a vice grip, his thrusts starting to become sloppy as he chased his own climax.

He cursed in german repeatedly before slowing, your own orgasm making your body tremble in his grasp.

He eases the two of you down onto your sides, still buried deep inside you, you could feel his heart hammering against your back.

He hums softly, hand going to your lower stomach "So good for me.." he purrs softly, fingers trailing along your belly

You smile and relax against him, you could feel him pulsating inside you, the feeling almost making you squirm.

"I told you we'd get you pregnant tonight." He teases as he kisses the back of your neck a few times.


1263 words!

Till next time lovelies <3

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