"Dick-less cheater" Pt 3

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Alrighty~ Popular demand says we want a third chapter to "Cheating Ghost" so your much awaited part three has been granted..

ya gremlins >:p

🧼💀"Dick-less cheater"———————————————

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"Dick-less cheater"

It had been a little over a month since you and Ghost had broke up, you eventually felt comfortable enough to start dating John.

It was nice, he was sweet and caring with you, always making sure to ask before he tested a boundary and when you put up one he respected it.

He'd bring you lunch at work and sit down and chat with you while you both ate. That and y'all would go out at least once a week to decompress at a bar or game room.

Tonight was one of those nights, you both walk into the game room, you rent out a pool table.

You land a good series of shots, pitting two of your stripes with a triumphant cry.

John laughs, taking a sip of his drink "Look at you darlin! Your onna roll today lass!" He embraces you lovingly

You giggle leaning into his one arm hug "why thank you." You step back to let him take his turn and he misses his shot earning a disappointed "aww damn" from him

You giggle "Looks like im winnin so far baby."

He makes a face at you "Dont count your chickens just yet lass." He taunts playfully

You both continue to play for another round, John winning the second one. As your racking the pool balls for the third round you feel someone watching you from afar.

John comes around behind you and leans into your ear "Dont look now lass, but Simon is here..." he says lowly

Your jaw clenches slightly, you hadnt seen him since the night you and him broke up. You move around to break, catching his form out the corner of your eye.

Oh god. Hes staring right at us, when the hell did he get here? What did he see??

Your thoughts run wildly, John takes notice "You wanna leave lass?" He asks looking at you intently

You nod "Please."

You both tab out and head out, heading towards John's SUV. Suddenly someone grabs your arm, pulling you from John's embrace.

"What in the hell?" Simon's angry voice says.

He pulls you back, his eyes piercing into you. "What do you think you're doing? Out here cuddling up with another man."

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