"Let me please you~" Price

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Authors note- Welcome back lovelies, here's a Captain Price chapter. I apologize if my spelling or grammar is off, Im majorly dyslexic and my english isnt the best at times.

 I apologize if my spelling or grammar is off, Im majorly dyslexic and my english isnt the best at times

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"Let me please you~"


You clutched your stomach tightly, your teeth clenched as the vehicle sped down the road. You had taken a knife to your abdomen while out on a stealth mission. You could hear Price cursing in the drivers seat as he sped to the safe house.

"I'll be alright Price" you tried to speak confidently, clutching your side, it Wasnt deep but it sure did hurt. Price looked over at you in the passenger seat, reaching over momentarily to squeeze your shoulder before going back to the steering wheel as he turned into the field of the well hidden safe-house

You grimaced once more as the pickup truck lurched to a stop

"I'll get you all patched up once we're inside." Price speaks hastily

He went over to the backseat of the truck and grabbed a medical kit before returning to the truck and picking you up. He carried you into the safe house and laid you on a table gently.

"I'm going to take a look at your wound; this might sting a bit." He added

You groan as he removed your vest and shirt gingerly, letting out a sharp gasp as he checked for any nicked arteries, your hands gripping the edge of the table with white knuckles "Scheiße!" (Shit) you curse throwing your head back against the table with a thud.

He winces to himself as he finds the wound.

"Looks pretty bad, but I'm not seeing any arterial bleeding. I'm going to clean the wound then stitch you up."

He explains as he sprays the wound with disinfectant.

"Brace yourself, this is going to hurt."

He was clearly in professional mode, worried about closing your wound and making sure you were okay.

You flinched as the disinfectant burned "ich hasse das-" (I hate this) you grunted through clenched teeth as you looked away from him, not wanting to see the needle. Despite being a solider you were still squeamish about needles.

"This should make it easier. " He injected lidocaine, which caused the pain to subside a bit.

He started applying the first few stitches. "You did good out there. Moved quiet, no one raised an alarm."

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