"You feel so damn good~" Price

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Authors note- Imma slip some sub price into this one <3 Enjoy~

Authors note- Imma slip some sub price into this one <3 Enjoy~

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"You feel so damn good~"


You both stumbling into the flat, the storm could be heard howling from outside as it continued, you were both soaked through your clothes. You shuck your jacket off, your light grey t-shirt now dark from the rain. You shiver lightly "Where did all that rain come from?" You question as you slip out of your shoes with a huff.

He hangs his soaked wool coat and hat up by the door and starts to peel off his damp t-shirt with a shiver "That sure was... A storm" He says through chattering teeth, his wet boots in his hand

You chuckle lightly "Cold love?" You tease as you attempt to peel your wet jeans off, struggling slightly as they gripped your skin, earning a small grunt of annoyance from you.

"I'm starting to hate the cold" he says wincing a bit as the damp jeans and long socks cling to his calves and thighs "You're probably wishing you didn't wear jeans today"

You grumble in response, tugging at them as you leaned against the wall for support "They wont let go of my damn thighs." You growl softly in annoyance

His eyes flick down to your thighs and then immediately away with an embarrassed blush as he walks over to help you. "Come on, let me help. They do stick something mean when they're wet"

You huff, letting go of them as you allow him to help you pull them off

He grabs them firmly around the waistband and pulls down, hearing them slide and hiss as the wet fabric pulls along your damp skin. Then they slip free and he tosses them over his shoulder towards the clothes pile by the door

You sigh softly, relieved to be free of them "Ah, thank you.." you hum before removing your shirt and chucking it into the same pile.

He pulls his undershirt up over his head and tosses it onto the pile aswell as his arms and chest are suddenly exposed. He quickly rub his arms for warmth "I never knew my own shirt could be so cold" he says, shivering violently as his bare arms and torso absorb the chill from the air

You giggle softly, running your hands up his biceps and across his chest "Wanna go warm up on the couch?" You ask softly "Ive got plenty of blankets there."

His body shivers against your touch and he instinctively leans into your caress. You're so much warmer than the cold air around you two. He glances up at you and nods somewhat shyly "Please..."

Once sitting on the couch you lean against him, pulling the blankets up to cover your trembling bodies as you both stayed close together for warmth. The storm howling violently outside, pelting the window with harsh drops of rain.

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