"Shut the fuck up~" Keegan

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This shit gets a little in the grey area for some people so readers please be advised.

I warned you.
Dont bitch at me.

I mean seriously, read the title broski.

I mean seriously, read the title broski

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"Shut the fuck up~"

Keegan was known for his temper, the two of you were known to bicker back and forth but usually you'd smoothen it out pretty quickly.

Until now.

You were both yelling at each other, you were up in his face, calling him out for bringing his work anger home yet again.

"Oh would you just shut up already?!" He sounded annoyed

You reach up and tug at his vest, bringing him down to your level "No! I wont! You cant fucking make me! Theres no reason for you to-"

Your cut off by him, his eyes darkening to a hunger you knew all to well. "Is that a challenge?" He prods

"Because Honey, I will fuck the attitude right out of you, right here, right fuckin now."

You go quiet and your eyes widen. A dark blush on your face at his words, your hand is still gripping his vest, his deep gravelly voice sending a throe of arousal through your nervous system.

"Is that what you need, hm?" He speaks in your ear as he leans forward, hands now on your hips tightly "You need me to take my anger out on this sexy little body of yours?"

You stammer unsure of how to respond, he hasn't been intimate with you in awhile now due to the arguments as of late.. you had to admit it you were frustrated in that department.

"Give me permission Sugar.." he purrs, hands slipping to squeeze your ass firmly ".. let me fuck you till you cant think straight~"

You hum out, unsure if you really wanted to give him that permission.

"C'mon Honey... you know you crave it..." he coaxes softly "My hands all over you... my mouth on those perky breasts of yours.." he almost growls as he slips a hand to them, playing with one of them through your shirt and bra.

"Admit it.. you want to be fucked senseless.."

Your eyes flutter, fuck it, whats the worst that could happen... right?

"Do it.." you breathe out to which he lets out an excited growl, his lips crashing into yours, his movements aggressive and almost needy as he quickly started to undress you.

He practically rips your shirt from your body, expertly undoing your bra with one hand as he starts to back you towards the couch.

You both land in a heap, his mouth trailing to your breasts, leaving dark hickeys that stung as he made them, making you squirm and whine underneath him.

He growls as he fumbles with the belt to your jeans, eventually getting it undone and quickly stripping you of the rest of your clothing, leaving both hickeys and bite marks on your thighs.

"K-keegan~" you whine out, his rough movements making you sensitive to the slightest of touch.

"Shut the fuck up~" he responds as he buries his face between your thighs. His mouth rough against your clit, making you spasm and try to pull away from him, only to be held fast against his face by his firm grip on your hips.

You press your thighs against the sides of his face, your sensitive moans and whines loud, you'd be getting a noise complaint from the neighbors later, no doubt.

Your back arches as you squirm in his grasp, the rough stimulation making you feel lightheaded and fuzzy as you gripped at his hair the best you could with shaky hands.

"Oh g-god~" you gasp out as he brings you to a harsh orgasm, your hips bucking up into him as you legs spasmed.

He chuckles, licking his lips as he lifts his head, undoing his jeans, quickly ridding himself of all his clothing.

He quickly flips you over, bringing your hips up to meet his, slamming into you with vigor, making you immediately tighten around him as you moan out his name.

"Mmmhnnnn fuck~" he growls out "So fucking tight for me~" his thrusts are aggressive, repeatedly slamming into your cervix, making you almost scream out.

Your hands grip the couch, your mind reeling with the overstimulating pleasure he was providing, your body trembling madly as he relentlessly pounded into you.

He chuckles almost darkly at your reactions "you'll be feeling me on your thighs for weeks Honey~"

his fingers dig into your hips as he makes you come undone around him, continuing to thrust even after your orgasm was over, earning sensitive whimpers as your eyes flutter.

He suddenly pulls out, preventing himself from finishing before flipping you over, a cocky smirk on his face as he sees how flushed you are.

You tense as he slips back in, his head now in the crook of your neck "Yeah~ were not done yet baby~"

You whine as he finds the same rough pace again, your nails now clawing at his back, only spurring him on as he railed into you, your legs wrapped around him.

You start to feel his thrusts get sloppy, his breath catching in his throat as he cursed out repeatedly.

His hand slips down, his thumb pressing against your clit, making you tighten around him further. "Nnhnn there you go~ Fuck, just like that~" he growls out as he delivers long hard thrusts, pushing you to the edge before he himself comes undone.

He slows, burying himself inside you as he pants against your neck, you clinging to him for dear life as he throbbed wildly inside you, making you tremble against him.

Once he's caught his breath he pulls out and you shiver at the sensation. He runs a hand through his hair before slowly leaning down and kissing you sweetly.

"Im sorry for yelling at you Honey... I shouldn't do that. Its not fair to you at all." His eyes are now soft as he gazes down at you.

You blink a few times to try and clear the haze from your mind, your hands and legs numb and tingly. "T-thats okay... thank you for apologiz-" you shiver as an aftershock strikes through you "-apologizing.."

He chuckles softly, kissing you again before getting up, scooping you up off the couch and taking you to the shower. You cling to him feebily, now realizing that there was red on your nails that wasn't there before.

When he sets you down you furrow your brows "Keegan.. turn around for me."

He looks a little confused but turns anyhow, long scratches down his back, some of them bleeding pretty decently.

"Oh fuck, Keegan Honey im so sorry.." you reach out running a hand along his back making him wince and chuckle

"The repercussions of my actions I suppose." He jokes as he turns around and kisses your forehead "Im alright, you can patch me up once we get you all cleaned up, yeah?."

1165 words!

That was fun to write, A Konig 🇦🇹 Chapter will be coming soon!

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